Real Studio Developer Magazine 9.5 published

Here's a quick preview of what's inside this issue:
* Interview: Meet Glen Buecker * By Marc Zeedar
Glen Buecker, web developer for the Oklahoma University School of Music, used Real Studio Web Edition to optimize the school's complicated application process.
* Optimizing Parsing Code * By Brendan Murphy
The developer of the FTC (Formatted Text Control), a full-featured word processor control for Real Studio, reveals one of his secrets for making parsing code lightning quick.
* Adventures in Optimizing * By Marc Zeedar
Optimizing is pointless if you're speeding up the wrong code. Marc reveals how not to optimize by showing how he (eventually) made a program faster.
* The Way of the Thread * By JC Cruz
With today's multi-core machines, no user expects to be waiting while your program completes a task. Learn how to use threads efficiently so your application can do more than one thing at a time.
In our regular columns we've got articles on two-way dictionaries, object-relational mapping, how to be a Real Studio Superhero, what's new with RS2011r2, and much more. Enjoy!