MBS Filemaker Plugin Overview
The MBS is easily the most powerful plug-in available for FileMaker today. There are over 400 functions that allow FileMaker developers to extend their solutions in some amazing ways. A quick overview:
- Control the Webviewer
- Fill and submit forms
- Image editing with GraphicsMagick
- Load pictures from file, container value or create a blank one.
- Compose pictures together, e.g. add an overlay or watermark.
- Edit images with crop, rotate, scale and other operations.
- Use lots of image effects like blur, sharpen, swirl and others.
- Save result to container or file.
- Use PDF functions from Mac OS X
- Render an image from a page of a PDF.
- Extract text from PDF.
- Create new PDF with pages from existing PDF.
- Scripting
- Run AppleScript and WindowsScript scripts in Filemaker.
- Query Icons
- Get icon from file or folder and previews with QuickLook (Mac only)
- Make Screenshots
- List screens and take screenshot from whole screen or from rectangle.
- Lock your app for Kiosks
- Hide system GUI like Dock and menubar with System UI Functions
- Show a backdrop behind your Filemaker window so user does not see the desktop.
- Color window content to focus user on a dialog.
- Control windows in Filemaker
- Enumerate windows and control any window in Filemaker.
- Disable close, minimize and maximize widgets.
- Show and hide any window.
- Use window transitions on Mac OS X like Apple's applications. (See video)
- Mac App Store
- Put your solution into Apple's Mac App Store and use plugin functions to verify the package receipt.
- Register your own URL Scheme
- Have your solution start with a click on an email or website and process the URL as you need. Plugin calls a script with the name you define when registering.
- Query system information
- Need to know computer name, memory size, serial number, OS Version or something else?
- Run Scripts
- Start a script now or after some time and pass file name, script name and parameter as texts.
- Global variables
- Powerful text functions
- Remove accents from texts for easier search.
- Use SoundEx to have searches for Maier also show results for Meyer, Meier and Mayer
And a log of more stuff like Container utility functions. If you miss something, please email us and we may add another function for you.