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Two weeks till REAL Studio Trainings in Zürich

Our training for Zürich is starting in two weeks. If you want to attend and you have not yet a registration, please call Brainworks as soon as possible. There are also seats available for the training in Leverkusen.

Depending on participants wishes, we'll certainly take a close look on the Web Edition, so if you want to learn about the REAL Studio Web Edition, please sign up. This is your chance to ask all the question you have, learn a lot about REAL Studio and improve your existing skills. Beginners can learn REAL Studio in those three days and start developing right away.

For more information and registration visit:
REAL Studio Einführungskurs (beginners)
REAL Studio Intensivkurs (advanced)
REAL Studio Datenbankentwicklung (database) Claris FileMaker Plugin Used tags:
16 11 10 - 14:21