MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Filemaker plug-in in version 2.1

The MBS plug-in extends Filemaker with over 400 functions. Very popular are our functions for controlling the webview control on your database forms. Other key features are the ability to run AppleScript or Windows Script code in your calculations, manipulate pictures and to query system informations. In version 2.1 we improve the WebView functions and created new functions for Strings, PDFKit and Backdrop.
We added several functions for the WebViewer for Mac OS X. You can now change print parameters for printing a webview. For example you can set the paper to landscape for wide webpages or modify the page margins. Also we have a new function to return the source data of the current item on the webview. This way you can save a JPEG in the Webview to your database. If you like you can also render a JPEG image from a website in the webview and store that image in your database.
From our SQLite Extension we ported functions for string editing: Our new SoundEx, RemoveAccents and RemoveAccentsCaseInsensitive functions can help you searching names without distinguish all details. For example you can find Mayer with Meyer or find Stéphane with Stephane.
Also new for our plugins are functions to use the PDFKit framework functions from Mac OS X. You can have a PDF file in a database field and query the page count from the PDF file. You can get text and image from the pages as well as the text of the whole PDF. Very useful for previews or search in PDF files in a Filemaker database.
For Mac OS X we also have two functions for a backdrop window. You can place a window behind your database form to hide the desktop. Together with the SetSystemUIMode function you can creates nice kiosk applications. With SetSystemUIMode you can disable GUI elements like the Dock, hide other applications, disallow application switching or the apple menu.
Read the complete release notes here:
The plug-in is available for FileMaker 7 to 11 on Windows XP, Vista and as Universal Binary for Mac OS X. Demos are available on the website, along with license and purchasing information.
The plugins can be downloaded on our website:
The online documentation can be found here:
For questions you can send us an email or visit the forum at
Christian Schmitz