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We will release 10.3 plugins later today. Here are already the release notes:
- Added NSUserDefaultsMBS class.
- Added ATSUTabMBS class.
- Added CFAttributedStringMBS class.
- Added WindowsProcessStatisticsMBS class.
- Added QTKitCustomMovieViewMBS class.
- Added QTKitCustomCaptureViewMBS class.
- Added ChartDirector Control example project.
- Added classes to use USB HID Devices on Linux: LinuxHIDInterfaceMBS, LinuxUSBBusMBS, LinuxUSBDeviceDescriptionMBS, LinuxUSBDeviceHandleMBS and LinuxUSBDeviceMBS.
- Added options to PNGReaderMBS class to support reading PNG pictures in iPhone format.
- Added DynapdfMBS.GetInIsTrapped.
- Added NameExtensionMBS and NameWithoutExtensionMBS functions to folderitem class.
- Added WindowsVMStatisticsMBS Constructor.
- Added Picture.BlurMBS function.
- Added constructors to QTKitTimeMBS class.
- Added PictureMBS.CalculateMemory.
- Added PictureMBS.CanAllocateImage.
- Added PictureMBS.ImageFormatBuffer.
- Added PictureMBS.Combine functions.
- Added PDFPageMBS.Render.
- Added constructors to NSBoxMBS and other Cocoa view classes.
- Added to PictureMBS: FillRectRandom and CompareImages and added some speed improvements on FillRect and CopyPixels.
- Added CustomPDFViewMBS class.
- Added coordinate convert methods to NSViewMBS and PDFViewMBS.
- Added more methods to PDFViewMBS class.
- Added more constants to CGDisplayMBS class.
- Added more methods to NSGraphicsMBS class.
- Added more methods to NSLocaleNumberMBS class.
- Added gesture events to CustomNSViewMBS.
- Added SQLReplaceBooleanMBS function.
- Added new functions to SystemInformationMBS module: MachineID, HardDiscSerial and CPUBrandString.
- Added Lasterror property and RawData method to WindowsFileVersionMBS class.
- Added notification strings to NSViewMBS and NSWindowMBS classes.
- Added constants for DRTrackMBS.
- Added NSControlMBS.font property.
- Added QTGrabberMBS.DisableDecode property so you can reduce CPU time if you don't need frames currently.
- Added SummaryMBS class.
- Added more methods to SystemInformationMBS: MacBugFixVersion, MacMajorVersion, MacMinorVersion, WinBuildNumber, WinMajorVersion, WinMinorVersion, WinServicePackMajor, WinServicePackMinor, WinSuiteMask, WinProductType, WinCSDVersion and WinPlatformId.
- Added WIA classes for Windows Image Acquisition.
- Added AbsoluteToNanoseconds, CurrentTime and NanosecondsToAbsolute to MidiPacketMBS class.
- Added folderitem.EjectVolumeMBS.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Changed CURLS Plugin on Windows to link to a different set of libraries so CURL now supports SSH on Windows, too.
- Improved NSViewMBS.RenderImage and added new parameter for subviews which makes it working better with WebViewMBS.
- Improved PictureMBS.CopyPixels. In special case for RGB/BGR data the copy is done much faster if the images are similar constructed. We could optimize for other image formats in the future.
- QTGrabberMBS now does creating RB picture of CurrentFrame on demand to reduce CPU usage.
- Changed most CURL examples to use CURLSMBS instead of CURLMBS to make them working on Windows right away.
- Changed WindowsFileVersionMBS so it gives you at least a few numbers even if no string table exists.
- DisplayMBS no longer reports duplicate resolutions. Streched resolutions are now ignored.
- Improved DeleteResourceForkMBS and DeleteDataForkMBS to use newer APIs.
- Improved WindowsAddPrintJobMBS class.
- Improved QLPreviewPanelMBS so it conforms more to the way Apple wants us to use it. This avoids error and warning messages on the console.
- Improved folderitem.UnMountVolumeMBS with additional parameters and now returns error code.
- Updated FlushVolumeMBS, IsEjectableVolumeMBS and IsOnRemoteVolumeMBS in folderitem class to use newer Apple API.
- Fixed text encoding on DynaPDFMBS.EnumHostFontEx on the FilePath parameter. Now Windows ANSI on Windows and UTF8 on Mac/Linux.
- Fixed a crash in SQL Plugin with SQLite on Linux.
- Fixed a bug in SQL Plugin String handling.
- Fixed a check in the ScreenshotMBS function which made the plugin use slower QuickDraw methods in cases where OpenGL should have been used.
- Fixed PDFViewMBS constructors.
- Fixed SignedInteger64MBS.UnsignedInteger64.
- Fixed UnsignedInteger64MBS.SignedInteger64.
- Fixed WIAItemMBS.DeviceDialog
- Fixed WIADeviceManagerMBS.GetImageDialog
- Fixed a couple of WIA constants.
- Fixed bug with CustomNSViewMBS mouse handling.
- Fixed a leak in the NSExceptionMBS and other exceptions.
- Fixed a crash in DynaPDFMBS.CreateDeviceNColorSpace.
- Fixed QLPreviewPanelMBS.Available to return true only on 10.6 and newer.
- Fixed a memory leak with SFPasswordAssistantMBS.
- Fixed the WindowsMutexMBS class to do the cleanup better.
- Fixed QTGraphicsExporterMBS.SettingsAsText to use correct text encoding on Windows.
- PictureMBS.CopyPixels now returns boolean value for success or failure.
- Renamed GetInfoResposeCode to GetInfoResponseCode in CURL classes.
- QTMovieExporterMBS.SetupDialog functions can now be called with nil movie to show the generic dialog without a preview.
- Now more than 4000 inline example code pieces in the documentation.
- Splitted PDFKit plugin part internally into two parts. One with views and one without. So you can get a little bit smaller applications if you don't use the views.
- Splitted WIADeviceManagerMBS into WIADeviceManager1MBS and WIADeviceManager2MBS. On Windows Vista you will want to use WIADeviceManager1MBS for digital cameras and WIADeviceManager2MBS for scanners.
15 06 10 - 13:59