REAL Server Plugin 0.4
LogMBS(value as double) as double
The log() function computes the value of the natural logarithm of argument x.
Log10MBS(value as double) as double
The log10() function computes the value of the logarithm of argument x to base 10.
SqrtMBS(value as double) as double
sqrt(x) returns a NaN and generates a domain error for x < 0.
PowMBS(x as double, y as double) as double
The pow() functions compute x raised to the power y.
ExpMBS(value as double) as double
The exp() function computes e**x, the base-e exponential of x.
TruncMBS(value as double) as double
The trunc() functions return the integral value nearest to but no larger in magnitude than x.
RoundMBS(value as double) as double
The round() functions return the integral value nearest to x rounding half-way cases away from zero, regardless of the current rounding direction.
FloorMBS(value as double) as double
The floor() functions return the largest integral value less than or equal to x.
CeilMBS(value as double) as double
The ceil() functions return the smallest integral value greater than or equal to x.
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