Nearly 2000 new Functions in the 9.6 prerelease of MBS
Apple is fast and Snow Leopard came much earlier than expected.
But we have something for you to check out: Our newest plugins with support for Snow Leopard.
As REALbasic is going to support Cocoa later this year (or next year), we are working on getting better Cocoa support, too.
- New Spotlight classes for searching
- CoreLocation classes
- Improved PDFKit and QTKit classes
- Added new CoreImage filters for Snow Leopard
- Added QuickLook Preview Panel class for Snow Leopard
- Added OpenCLMBS module for Snow Leopard
- More Cocoa classes: NSActionCellMBS, NSCellMBS, NSCharacterSetMBS, NSMutableAttributedStringMBS, NSMutableCharacterSetMBS,
- NSMutableURLRequestMBS, NSRangeMBS, NSScreenMBS, NSTableHeaderCellMBS, NSTableHeaderViewMBS, NSTextFieldCellMBS
In total the plugins got over 2000 new functions.
Download here:
Christian Schmitz