Adding Academic License for the MBS REALbasic ChartDirector
With the ChartDirector plug-in, you can create professional charts in your application.
* Synthesize Charts using Layers:
Layering architecture enables you to synthesize the charts you want using standard chart layers.
* Comprehensive Chart Types:
Pie, donut, bar, line, spline, step, trend, curve-fitting, area, scatter, bubble, box-whisker, finance, gantt, vector, polar, radar, rose ... Even includes meters and gauges.
* Unparalleled Customizability:
Object oriented API allows you to customize every chart details.
* Markup Text Support:
Embed icons and use multiple fonts and colors in the same piece of text. Decorate your charts with professionally looking text and labels.
* Full Unicode support
* No external DLLs
* Per developer royalty free license for Mac OS X, Windows and Linux
More features will come. All plugins can be freely tested in the REALbasic IDE while compiled applications require a valid licence.
Licenses for the ChartDirector plug-in are available for 200 Euro (commercial) and 100 Euro (academic) per developer (plus VAT). This plug-in part is sold separately. Orders before end of May 2008 will qualify for a free 6 months subscription on the RB Developer Magazine.
Details on the ChartDirector plug-in:
Visit the chart gallery:
Download the latest prerelease of the plugins here:
Please contact us if you have questions or problems with the plug-ins.