New MBS REALbasic ChartDirector plug-in available for testing
in your application.
* Synthesize Charts using Layers:
Layering architecture enables you to synthesize the charts you want
using standard chart layers.
* Comprehensive Chart Types:
Pie, donut, bar, line, spline, step, trend, curve-fitting, area,
scatter, bubble, box-whisker, finance, gantt, vector, polar, radar,
rose ... Even includes meters and gauges.
* Unparalleled Customizability:
Object oriented API allows you to customize every chart details.
* Markup Text Support:
Embed icons and use multiple fonts and colors in the same piece of
text. Decorate your charts with professionally looking text and
* Full Unicode support
* No external DLLs
* Per developer royalty free license for Mac OS X, Windows and Linux
The final version (8.2) is expected to be available in April 2008.
More features will come. All plugins can be freely tested in the
REALbasic IDE while compiled applications require a valid licence.
Licenses for the ChartDirector plug-in are available today for 200 Euro
(+VAT) per developer. This plug-in part is sold separately.
If you order before the final release, you get a free RBD Promotion code
as a bonus.
Details on the ChartDirector plug-in:
Visit the chart gallery:
Download the latest prerelease of the plugins here:
Please contact us if you have questions or problems with the plug-ins.