MBS FileMaker Plugin 11.0 - More than 6400 Functions In One Plugin

This release adds more Drag & Drop support to our plugin. For both macOS and Windows you can now attach a drop area to a whole window with our new DragDrop.AttachToWindow function. Every item dropped will trigger the script, so you can process the drop as you like, e.g. import the files into container fields. Beside accepting drops you can now use the control as a drag source. Just pass a list of files to DragDrop.SetFilePathsToDrag function to let the user drag those files to the desktop or other applications. Use DragDrop.SetDragImage function to provide a picture to show while drag runs.
DynaPDF got updated to newer version and we now include a DynaPDF.SaveAndSignFileExt function to sign PDF files with digital keys with 2048 or 4096 bits in addition to 1024 bits. With a page break expression set using DynaPDF.SetPageBreakExpression function you can define what happens if DynaPDF.WriteFText or DynaPDF.WriteStyledText filled the text rectangle and need a new text rectangle. This allows to continue text output in a new column or a new page. To set color values instead of color components, you can now use DynaPDF.SetFillColorValue and DynaPDF.SetStrokeColorValue functions and pass a value you got from DynaPDF.Lab, DynaPDF.CMYK or DynaPDF.RGB functions. You can now specify a line spacing (leading) when converting styled text from FileMaker to DynaPDF syntax.
Our ListDialog functions go upgraded with a new filter field. It allows the user to search within the list and filter to the entry they look for. You decide whether the filter field is shown and what is the text and placeholder for it.
The SyntaxColoring functions got improved with newer color set for dark mode. You may need to use SyntaxColoring.FactoryDefaults to reset the colors. Our if/loop highlighting can better find matching exit loop even if it is within an If block. The bracket highlight and syntax highlighting got tuned for Big Sur.
You can now control the toolbar style ad display mode for Big Sur. With SystemInfo.IsiOSAppOnMac you can detect whether your FileMaker iOS SDK app runs on macOS. QuickList.SortWith can now sort by number. The EmailParser.HTMLToPlainText function is improved to better convert HTML to text.
Finally we updated SQLite library to version 3.34.0, curl to 7.74.0, DynaPDF to, LibXL to 3.9.3, SQLAPI to 5.1.3 and Xcode to version 12.3.
See release notes for a complete list of changes.