MBS Xojo Plugins, version 20.3pr5

- Added WindowsGraphicsDeviceContextMBS class.
- Added SDAVAssetExportSessionMBS class.
- Added SHA3_224, SHA3_256, SHA3_384 and SHA3_512 to DigestMBS class.
- Updated to Xcode 11.5.
- Added MIMEType property to WKWebViewMBS class.
- Added WKNavigationMBS class to track navigations for WebKit 2.x.
- Added CurrentNavigation as WKNavigationMBS property for WKWebViewControlMBS control.
- Added Navigation parameter for didFailProvisionalNavigation, didFailNavigation, didCommitNavigation, didStartProvisionalNavigation, didReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalNavigation and didFinishNavigation events.
- Fixed edge case with month wrap in DateDifferenceMBS class.
- Updated LCMS to version 2.11.
- Added performWindowDragWithEvent method to NSWindowMBS class.
- Deprecated Addressbook classes in favor of Contacts classes.
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