FAQ for our Birthday Sale

The special offer for 20th birthday of Monkeybread Software ends on 30th April. On 1st May we will remove all notices for it and disable thereafter the coupon codes.
If you have a license expired before June 2019, you could buy a new license with discount as that is usually cheaper than multi year updates.
Purchases going through Paypal should get the discount applied automatically, so the amount shown on Paypal website is the reduced price. If you accidentally paid full price here, we may just refund the 20% or add 3 extra months to the licenses.
For our web shows via Share-It and FastSpring, you can use the coupon code 20years and for most links on our website it should be included automatically.
Government entities or public authorities may just order via email & invoice as usual. We still prefer orders through the web shop with an official credit card as that is processed right away.
If you made a purchase in April without applying the discount, we can offer you to simply extend the license for 3 additional months as often a partial refund is not possible.
You can order multi years updates if you like for up to 5 years. If you buy a new license, you can right after buying the new license also buy the updates.
Finally, thanks for your support and for keeping the company running for another 20 years!
PS: Please make sure your license covers summer 2020, so you get current plugin to use with next FileMaker & Xojo versions.