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If you are still thinking about coming to the Real Studio Developer Conference, and would like to stay at our hotel (with our room rate), I encourage you to book your room ASAP! The hotel is only holding the Real World room block until March 23rd! At that point the rooms will be released to the public, and the hotel could sell out. The hotel has a 72 hour cancellation period, so if you are *thinking* about coming, I'd suggest grabbing a room just in case, you can always cancel if you need to.
To learn more about the hotel or to book, go on Real World Website or hotel website or your can call 877.394.5765 and refer to group code RWE.
If the hotel tells you they are out of inventory at our rate please contact Dana and I will have the hotel add you to our block.
Let me know if you have any questions. I hope to see you all in Orlando!
21 03 13 - 11:49