Real World

From the sessions I saw and the ones I was told about, people were very happy with them. For some having two sessions the same time is bad, so we may think whether events should be rather a day longer and have less parallel sessions. Perhaps have general sessions like keynote, web edition walkthrough and database overview in big audience and than split between beginner and advance sessions in parallel.
From the announcements in the keynote, I got a few people being unhappy with the license changes coming. Think about it: iOS as a new target will greatly extend what you can do with Real Studio! You can deliver solutions to your client with desktop, web and mobile combined. Whether this license on the end costs $100 more or less, should not be a problem. And for all others, the great improvement is that you can use latest IDE whether you have license or not. And only when you need to deliver product, you can order one or drive to your buddy with a license. Would be interesting to see if the final license will allow to offer build as a service. But as most other details, it's not yet defined. But as you can read in comments on Bob's article, Geoff already told us that all Personal license users will be upgraded to Desktop. Pro users will get upgrade to Desktop + Console + Database Servers. And Enterprise also get Web in addition. Web licenses will also be upgraded. I expect them to get Database Server + Web. Exact details will follow, but for now everyone (!) should go and buy himself a 2 year upgrade. Even if your license expires in 2013, you can buy upgrade to 2015.
On the fast food front (see older article), I was disappointed with Taco Bell (didn't like it this year), but become good friend to Quiznos and Steak 'n Shake. Especially I love to get those fluffy american pan cakes and I love the free refills on the soft drinks. Things you don't get in Europe too often.
For next Real Worlds, well, I'd love to visit more locations. Like having something on the west coast or north east would be nice. For the flights it doesn't matter much whether we fly to Orlando or Seattle. Due to the different angles going down from green land, but same distance Seattle and Orlando cost the same and take the same time.
Also I hope we can have another conference in Europe. Maybe I have time the next weeks to go scouting for a good hotel…