MBS Filemaker Plugin 2.7 Release notes

For your convenience, here the release notes:
- Added FileDialog functions.
- Added JSON functions.
- Added CoreLocation functions to query location of a Mac.
- Added Encryption.DecryptBlowfish and Encryption.EncryptBlowfish.
- Added Encryption.DecryptAES and Encryption.EncryptAES.
- Added Hash.MD5 and Hash.SHA512 functions to get hashes of UTF-8 text.
- Added WebPolicyDelegate functions to decide which files should be downloaded.
- Added WebDownloadDelegate functions so you can get downloads from WebViewer on Mac.
- Added functions Files.AppPath, Files.Launch, Files.LaunchFile and Files.RevealFile.
- Added duration parameter for Mac OS X to Window.Resize and Window.Move.
- Added WebView.EstimatedProgress.
- Added Icon.SetIcon and Icon.ClearIcon for Mac to set/remove file icons.
- Added new CURL functions: CURL.AddInputFile, CURL.AddInputJPEG, CURL.AddInputPNG and CURL.AddInputText.
- Added Files.FileSize function.
- Added more parameter for Mac to Webview.LoadURL function.
- Added Window.ScrollbarsVisible function.
- Added Window.GetAlpha.
- Added Preferences.SetValue and Preferences.SetValue functions.
- Added Files.DirectoryExists, Files.FileExists and Files.ItemExists functions.
- Added PDFKit.Watermark function.
- Added PDFKit.GetPDFPageFormattedText function.
- Fixed crash on Windows with CURL options using lists.
- Fixed Window.HideScrollbar function for Filemaker 12 on Mac and Windows.
- Fixed GraphicsMagick functions to no longer crash if you call them with Destroyed image reference.
- Changed CURL.SetUpdateProgressDialog to now also work for uploads.
- Changed CURL debug output to no longer contain SSL raw data of transfer.
- Changed Webview and Window functions on Mac so they better check if a handle is no longer valid. We now track which windows are closed and invalid window references so they can't be used.
- Changed plugin to use more Unicode APIs for better file name handling.
- Improved Drag and Drop. You can now specify email and receive email drags from Apple Mail.
- Improved hidden scrollbars on Mac for Filemaker 12 so they stay hidden even with resizing window.
- Implemented Path.NativePathToFilemakerPath and Path.FilemakerPathToNativePath for Windows.