Have you checked out PDFViewMBS class?
First it is based on PDFKit framework from Apple and they use it for displaying PDF files in Safari or Preview applications. As it is a Cocoa control, you need Mac OS X 10.5 in order to use it in REAL Studio. To read all the documentation for our PDFKit based classes, you should know that we split this into two plugin parts: PDFKit and PDFKitView. That's to optimize application size as not all applications need both. The PDFKit plugin part defines the base classes like a PDFDocument or a PDFPage while the PDFKitView plugin part defines the classes to view a PDF. Both plugin parts are included in the MBS REALbasic Cocoa plugin.
So you can do this (and more):
- Open and save PDF Documents.
- Create new PDF pages
- Render pictures from a PDF page.
- Display a PDF in a PDF View.
- Create custom PDF views to draw custom overlays on the PDF pages and handle mouse clicks there.
- Create, edit and delete PDF annotations.
What would you like to develop with this control?