I just finished the course and certification for
AI Fundamentals I: Semantic search in Claris FileMaker Associate
and I got a nice badge. This is the eighth one as I did all the certifications for Claris Academy so far. You can do this too and learn more about FileMaker!
For more training, check out the Claris FileMaker for Beginners training at
FMTraining.tv. You can watch live when they record for free and ask questions. Or just pay for a course and watch the recordings.
If you prefer in-person training, how about joining
Claris Engage conference? There is a training day after the conference on 27th March 2024 in Austin, Texas. And you can do the combi ticket for 2 day conference and the training day.
See you in Austin! Or at one of the
other FileMaker conferences.
You may have read about
The failure of Digital River's MyCommerce platform.
The saga continues. As of today we still wait for over 100.000 Euro from them. But they fired everyone in Germany and the company is just a letter box on an office building. Mail seems to be scanned in and send to some company using AI to write their answers. Only empty promises and no real answers or accountability.
In the last days a few customers contacted us to get invoices for their purchase. At the time of order, they got one by email. But that email may have been lost in the spam folder earlier this year.
If you need an invoice, you can contact ordersupport@mycommerce.com with your order number, purchase date and name, so they can find it and send the invoice again. If and only if, someone still works there, reads the emails and actual is willing to help you. We don't have a copy of the invoices, so we can't help you. You can look into your backups for one of the order date and look if you find something in the spam folder. If you can't find the invoice, you can print the email about the order.
As of 28th January 2025, it looks like the company filed for bankruptcy. Since all the money is probably moved out of the company already and it loaded with debt, the administrator won't have much fun there. And once the computer systems get shutdown, the invoices may get lost anyway.
Well, if you like to support us, please consider ordering a license. New sales go through FastSpring or 2checkout unless you pay us directly. Thank you for your support.
You can pay for renewals for FileMaker licenses and MBS Plugin in advance to secure the current prices and get a discount. License prices may change in the future, so why not lock them in now?
For FileMaker licenses there are graduated prices, so it may be good to ask for 3 or 5 years when renewing. You could also just decide to renew now and append more years to the license today. If you renew, you may also qualify for a discount, e.g. 10% for second year and 20% for following years.
We'd love to meet you at one of the various FileMaker conferences. Let us show you:
The next conference is Claris Engage in two months, the official one from Claris themselves. Stefanie and I are signed up and will be there. If you have questions about the MBS Plugin, please stop us in the hallways and chat with us. We skip the booth this year as we like to enjoy the sessions ourselves and prefer to wander around instead of sitting on the 5th floor. If you like to join, there are still a few tickets available for the early bird pricing.
Check out the FMTraining.tv website. Richard Carlton and his team do a daily free live stream about FileMaker to watch.
A few days ago Christian Schmitz from Monkeybread Software joined a live episode to talk a bit about the MBS FileMaker Plugin. Watch it on YouTube.
We walk over some of the doors of our advent calendar. We talk about ics files, HotkeyWIA, WindowsOCR, ImageCapture, ContinuityCamera, AVRecorder, Printer, PrintDialog, PagesetupDialog and AppleScript functions.
Check out the FMTraining.tv website. Richard Carlton and his team do a daily free live stream about FileMaker to watch.
A few days ago Christian Schmitz from Monkeybread Software joined a live episode to talk a bit about the MBS FileMaker Plugin. Watch it on YouTube.
We walk over some of the doors of our advent calendar. We talk about CURL, DynaPDF, MapView, SendMail, SharingService, XML, Calendar and UNNotification functions.
Check out the FMTraining.tv website. Richard Carlton and his team do a daily free live stream about FileMaker to watch.
A few days ago Christian Schmitz from Monkeybread Software joined a live episode to talk a bit about the MBS FileMaker Plugin. Watch it on YouTube.
We talk about the 15.0 release of the MBS Plugin for FileMaker. See Announcement, Release Notes and new functions. See ImagePlayground, Saxon, XL and Shell functions.
In this article we want to introduce you the new functions from the MBS FileMaker Plugin in version 15.0.
A completely new area that we plan to further expand in the next releases is the connection to the Saxon library. Saxon is a widely used and high-performance software library that specializes in the processing and transformation of XML and XSLT data. It enables developers to manipulate data efficiently and convert it into the desired formats. We would now make these functions from the library available to you in FileMaker. We have already included several functions in this release, but there will certainly be more to come in the future. To find out what the plugin can already do, take a look at the blog article Saxon in MBS FileMaker Plugin
You can use various Amazon web services in FileMaker using our CURL functions in MBS FileMaker Plugin. You need to build the URL and her payload and either pass data in the URL or as POST data, depending on the service. You may easily translate an existing sample call on the AWS documentation for the call you like to make and translate that to setting the various options.
The special thing for the AWS requests is the signature to properly encode and hash the credentials. For years we have CURL.SetupAWS function to help signing the requests. But since CURL got the AWSSigV4 Option, we can use our CURL.SetOptionAWSSigV4 function to sign the request on the fly. There we pass the names of the provider, region and service, so CURL can include this in the signature.
To try this, let us use the Amazon Simple Notification Service to send a text message to a mobile phone. For this we need a phone number and since people like to use brackets and spaces, we filter the text to only have the digits and the plus symbol for the country.
Check out the FMTraining.tv website. Richard Carlton and his team do a daily free live stream about FileMaker to watch.
A few days ago Christian Schmitz from Monkeybread Software joined a live episode to talk a bit about the MBS FileMaker Plugin. Watch it on YouTube.
We walk over some of the doors of our advent calendar. We talk about installation, DragDrop, DynaPDF, Contacts, web services and archive functions.
Nickenich, Germany - (January 14th, 2025) -- Monkeybread Software today is pleased to announce MBS FileMaker Plugin 15.0 for Claris FileMaker for macOS, iOS, Linux and Windows, the latest update to their product that is easily the most powerful plugin currently available for Claris FileMaker produce line. As the leading database management solution for Windows, macOS, iOS and the web, the Claris FileMaker Pro Integrated Development Environment supports a plugin architecture that can easily extend the feature set of the application. MBS FileMaker Plugin 15.0 has been updated and now includes over 7500 different functions, and the versatile plugin has gained more new functions:
For macOS Sequoia we like to use more of Apple Intelligence. As part of that you can show the image playground window. The user can generate a picture based on a prompt and an input image using our ImagePlayground functions.
We work on integrating the Saxon XML processing libraries into FileMaker. Once completed this will allow you to use XSLT 3.0 for transformations, XQuery 3.1 for queries, XSD 1.1 for document validation and XPath 3.1 for navigation within documents. This version includes a preview of the functions for you to try.
For DynaPDF we got the DynaPDF.CheckEmbeddedFileCheckSum function to validate whether a checksum for an embedded file inside a PDF is valid. The DynaPDF.ConvToFreeTextCallout allows you to convert a regular FreeText annotation to a FreeTextCallout annotation. And with DynaPDF.DeleteOutputIntent you can delete an output intent, e.g. if you like to define a different colorspace as output intent.
For the menubar we sort the hidden window list alphabetically. We improved the auto complete feature for custom functions and added a checkbox for it to the preferences dialog.
We improved our field picker enhancements in FileMaker to work in more places. We show you details for a field in the tooltip and show the arrow control on the top right to jump to the last used table occurence. The SyntaxColoring.AddContextMenuCommand function can add context menu commands for layout and browse mode instead of just Script Workspace.
In XL functions we added ways to get and set properties for a document like title or subject. You can also remove the properties and query the default format for a row or column. The XL.Sheet.CellWriteTexts function can optionally use blank cells for empty texts.
For macOS we can set key equivalents for our dialog boxes for each button using Dialog.SetKeyEquivalent. The AVAsset.TrackInfo function can query format information and Process.LoadFramework function can explicitly load a macOS framework.
The DragDrop.GetPathList function returns the list of all paths received. We added JSON.SetVariables and JSON.ClearVariables to match similar XML functions, we allow you to merge output and error streams for shell functions, we added an Archive.IsOpen function and you can set whether audit ignores empty field for creating a record.
Finally we updated the curl library to version 8.11.1, DynaPDF to, expat library to 2.6.4, LibXL to 4.5.0, mongo-c-driver to 1.29.1, SQLAPI to 5.3.5, SQLite to 3.47.2, ssh2 to 1.11.1, taglib to 2.0.2, zlib to 1.3.1 and zxing to version 2.3.
See release notes for a complete list of changes.

14. Januar 2025 - Monkeybread Software veröffentlicht heute das MBS FileMaker Plugin für Claris FileMaker in Version 15.0, mit inzwischen über 7500 Funktionen eines der größten FileMaker Plugins überhaupt. Hier einige der Neuerungen:
Für macOS Sequoia können wir mehr von Apple Intelligence nutzen. Als Teil davon können Sie das ImagePlayground-Fenster einblenden. Der Benutzer kann mit unseren ImagePlayground-Funktionen ein Bild auf der Grundlage einiger Stichwörter und eines Eingabebildes erzeugen.
Wir arbeiten daran, die Saxon XML-Bibliotheken in FileMaker zu integrieren. Sobald dies abgeschlossen ist, können Sie XSLT 3.0 für Transformationen, XQuery 3.1 für Abfragen, XSD 1.1 für die Dokumentenvalidierung und XPath 3.1 für die Navigation in Dokumenten verwenden. Diese Version enthält eine Vorschau der Funktionen, die Sie ausprobieren können.
Für DynaPDF gibt es die Funktion DynaPDF.CheckEmbeddedFileCheckSum, mit der überprüft werden kann, ob eine Prüfsumme für eine eingebettete Datei in einem PDF gültig ist. Die Funktion DynaPDF.ConvToFreeTextCallout ermöglicht die Umwandlung einer regulären FreeText-Anmerkung in eine FreeTextCallout-Anmerkung. Und mit DynaPDF.DeleteOutputIntent können Sie einen Output Intent löschen, z.B. wenn Sie einen anderen Farbraum als Output Intent definieren möchten.
In der Menüleiste wird die Liste der ausgeblendeten Fenster nun alphabetisch sortiert. Wir haben die Autovervollständigung für benutzerdefinierte Funktionen verbessert und eine Checkbox dafür in den Einstellungsdialog eingefügt.
Wir haben unsere Erweiterung für die Feldauswahl in FileMaker verbessert, damit sie an mehr Stellen funktioniert. Wir zeigen Ihnen Details zu einem Feld im Tooltip an und zeigen das Pfeil-Steuerelement oben rechts an, um zum zuletzt verwendeten Tabellenvorkommen zu springen. Die Funktion SyntaxColoring.AddContextMenuCommand kann Kontextmenübefehle für das Layout und den Browse-Modus hinzufügen, anstatt nur für den Script Workspace.
In den XL-Funktionen wurden Möglichkeiten zum Abrufen und Setzen von Eigenschaften für ein Dokument wie Titel oder Betreff hinzugefügt. Sie können auch die Eigenschaften entfernen und das Standardformat für eine Zeile oder Spalte abfragen. Die Funktion XL.Sheet.CellWriteTexts kann optional leere Zellen für leere Texte verwenden.
Für macOS können wir mit Dialog.SetKeyEquivalent Tastenäquivalente für unsere Dialogfelder für jede Schaltfläche festlegen. Die Funktion AVAsset.TrackInfo kann Formatinformationen abfragen und die Funktion Process.LoadFramework kann explizit ein macOS-Framework laden.
Die Funktion DragDrop.GetPathList gibt die Liste aller empfangenen Pfade zurück. Wir haben JSON.SetVariables und JSON.ClearVariables hinzugefügt, ähnlichen zu unseren XML-Funktionen. Wir erlauben Ihnen die Ausgaben und Fehler für Shell-Funktionen zusammen auszulesen, wir haben eine Archive.IsOpen-Funktion hinzugefügt und Sie können festzulegen, ob Audit leere Felder bei der Erstellung eines Datensatzes ignoriert.
Schließlich haben wir die curl-Bibliothek auf Version 8.11.1, DynaPDF auf, expat-Bibliothek auf 2.6.4, LibXL auf 4.5.0, den Mongo-C Treiber auf 1.29.1, SQLAPI auf 5.3.5, SQLite auf 3.47.2, ssh2 auf 1.11.1, taglib auf 2.0.2, zlib auf 1.3.1 und zxing auf Version 2.3 aktualisiert.
Alle Änderungen in den Release Notes.
Every January people make a new year resolution and let's think about a few we can suggest to you:
Visit old friends
Make a list of distant relatives and friends you didn't meet in person in 2024. Try to meet them in 2025 and see next Sylvester who you missed. For some of our relatives or old friends in their 70s or 80s, you never know if you have another chance if you don't do a visit this year.
Meet colleagues
Visit a conference in your profession. You regularly interact with various other co-workers over forums, remote meetings and emails.
If you have multiple conferences available to join, pick one where you like the place and you may enjoy a few days of vacation on the same trip.
Delay purchases
Beside maybe your groceries, please consider a wait time for a purchase. Don't instantly buy stuff. Wait a night to see if you really want the item the next day. Take a bit time to tell friends or parents that you think about purchasing something. I was surprised how often parents (in-law) just tell me that they have the item and would love to pass it to me.
For a lot of videos I see online presenting me a product, waiting a day to order can save a lot of money. The next day the excitement is far down or I forgot it already.
Loose weights
Changing habits is difficult, but almost everyone would like to loose some weight.
How about trying to avoid drinking sugar? Order sparkling water in the restaurant. Great if you dine with family. By ordering a bottle of sparking water first, some people in the family may decide to not order a drink and just join using the bottle. And even if someone orders a coke, they may just later join the bottle instead of a second drink. Of course the weight loss can only happen if you don't compensate the saved calories on the drink with some extras like a desert.
More active
Whenever you need to get somewhere, consider walking or take a bike. Try to enjoy the walk to the mailbox or post office to send a letter as time to be active and maybe listen to some podcast on the walk. Try to walk more, take the steps instead of the lift and avoid taking a car for short distances.
Don't waste your money on a gym to do sports. Try to do it everyday as a regular habit.
Your waist will be thankful.
Have a great new year!

New in this prerelease of version 15.0 of the
MBS FileMaker Plugin:
- Fixed an issue with Path.NativePathToFileMakerPath on Linux adding an extra / to the path.
- Fixed Path.AddPathComponent function for Windows to automatically use slash or backslash depending on what the path has already.
- Improved Time.Format function to return empty result for empty timestamp.
- Changed functions returning CURL errors to mark this as error, so IsError function returns true. This affects CURL.Perform, CURL.FormClear, CURL.FormFinish, CURL.Upkeep, CURL.SendText, CURL.SendData, CURL.PerformAsync, CURL.WebSocketSend, CURL.WebSocketReceive, CURL.SetSocketNonBlocking, CURL.SetSocketNonBlocking, SendMail.PrepareCURL and various CURL.SetOption functions.
- Added variable list to Saxon.XPathQuery function.
- Added functions to set properties and parameters for Saxon.
- Fixed a timing problem with DragDrop functions for macOS where not all paths arrived when you had a lot of files.
Download at
You can subscribe to our FileMaker mailing list to get notified for new pre-release and release versions.

This year in April our company will turn 25 years old.
We'll plan to have a big party here in Germany near our office with over 100 guests.
Invitations went out in several batches. Sadly the web form malfunctioned the last weeks and we may not have all registrations. So we will email everyone who not yet confirmed and ask them again.
If you like to join and you miss an invitation, you can contact us and ask whether your invitation got lost.
As people confirm they are coming, we'll add them to the guest list. If we run out of space, we may put people on the wait list.
If you can't make it, please respond soon, so we don't need to contact you again later.
The hotel has some rooms left and would like to know if someone likes to reserve a room for the night before or after. Otherwise the room allocation expires 25th January.
In this article we want to introduce you the new functions from the MBS FileMaker Plugin in version 14.5.
Let's start with a really cool new function. The Barcode.DetectAsJSON function. This function can recognize multiple barcodes on an image and then returns a JSON with the appropriate information. You can even limit the selection of barcodes to be recognized to its type. The following types are available: Aztec, Codabar, Code39, Code93, Code128, DataMatrix, EAN8, EAN13, ITF, PDF417, QRCode, UPCA and UPCE. But you do not have to limit the recognition and so different types of barcodes can be recognized at one time.
As a result, we have a lot of information about the individual barcodes in the JSON. Here you can see an output of a barcode of type UPCE that was recognized.

You can use the Saxon library in your projects with MBS Plugin to work on XML:
XSLT 3.0 for transformations
XQuery 3.1 for queries
XSD 1.1 for document validation
XPath 3.1 for navigation within documents
You can get a Pro or Enterprise Validation license from us.

New in this prerelease of version 15.0 of the
MBS FileMaker Plugin:
- Fixed a problem with Container.IdentifyData not recognizing a HEIF file.
- Updated zxing library to version 2.3.
- Improved menu sorting to ignore bracket on the beginning.
- Improved overlay to allow moving window with webviewer for macOS.
- Improved Math.FormatNumber function to work better with 11 or more digits.
- Added DoBlanksForEmptyText parameter to XL.Sheet.CellWriteTexts function.
- Improved exception handling for Saxon.
- Added Barcode.Version function.
Download at
You can subscribe to our FileMaker mailing list to get notified for new pre-release and release versions.
Before you install our plugin new or as an update, please make a backup of your databases. Best is to have an automated hourly backup to make sure you have a copy of all the databases, external files and the current software, so in case something breaks, you could go back.
You should have:
- Real Time backups.
An application like Backblaze watches for new files and uploads them directly. This allows you to have it keep multiple versions and provide a history.
- Hourly backups
e.g. Time Machine on a Mac or the built-in backup for FileMaker Server can do an hourly backups to a folder.
- Daily backups
to another computer. In general you should have at least 3 backups in 2 different locations.
- Monthly backups
e.g. rotating various backup disks between a safe in a bank and the office.
Recently I remarked on a meet-up that the majority of FileMaker Servers uses Linux nowadays as far as I know. In August 2023 Linux overtook Windows, then in July 2024 the Linux share crossed to over 50%. The share for Linux increased by 25 points from 42 to 67% from January 2024 to 2025, all within one year!
If we continue with that adoption, I'd expect Linux to be over 90% end of 2025 and Claris can retired the MacOS and Windows servers in 2026. You all vote withy your wallet, so no complains please. Of course this assumes that Claris sees similar statistics.
Here is a graphics for the OS share:

New in this prerelease of version 15.0 of the
MBS FileMaker Plugin:
Download at
You can subscribe to our FileMaker mailing list to get notified for new pre-release and release versions.