Jérémie Leroy published an application made with Xojo on the iOS App Store:
You can
download it for free on the iOS App Store.
And Jérémie told me attendees to our conference in Berlin next week get a free upgrade to Premium, so watch his presentation for the coupon code.
The next French FileMaker Conference will be held at Rouen in Normandy from 18 to 20 October 2017.
La prochaine FM Conférence se tiendra p'têt ben à Rouen en Normandie du 18 au 20 octobre 2017.
P'têt ben qu'vous avez un truc à présenter à cette occasion pendant 15 ou 60mn. Alors, creusez-vous viiiite les méninges car y'aura p'têt ben pas assez de place pour tous ;).
Est-ce que toutes les infos sur la conférence sont sur notre site www.fmconf.com? P'têt ben qu'oui, p'têt ben qu'non… (traduction ici)
Gazouillis: fmconf
On 11th March 2017, we had a FileMaker event in Vleuten near Utrecht in the Netherlands. I did two presentations about my MBS Plugin and recorded them:
If you are interested in a similar event, let me know. The next English MBS Plugin presentation will be at
Maybe in October for the European conferences, we can have a few more presentations and maybe even a training day. We already announced
German training day for Salzburg.
LibXL version 3.8.0 is available.
What's new in the version 3.8.0:
- added data validation feature for xlsx files
- added Book::addPictureAsLink() method (xlsx)
- added Book::moveSheet() method
- improved speed of Sheet::setMerge() method (removed overlap checking)
- improved compatibility with Apple Preview (xls)
- fixed a bug in autofit feature for a custom format with % character
- fixed issue with access to some worksheets for exported xlsx files from the SAS statistical package
- fixed issue with 1900/2/1 date
- fixed a bug with loading some xls files
- fixed a bug in Book::load() and xlBookLoadUsingTempFile() with passing a full path with directories for temporary files (xlsx)
- fixed a bug in Sheet::setCol() (xls)
- fixed Sheet::getNamedRange() and Sheet::namedRange() methods for correct extracting the whole column or row as a range (xlsx)
New methods:
New methods only for xlsx format:
- Sheet::addDataValidation()
- Sheet::addDataValidationDouble()
- Sheet::removeDataValidations()
- Book::addPictureAsLink()
LibXL library can be used with MBS Plugins in Xojo and FileMaker. Updated plugins will be available soon. As usual we add the new functions soon. If you need help or want to try the new version early, let me know.

New in this prerelease of the 7.2 MBS FileMaker Plugin:
- Added ProtocolPreference parameter to SSH.Connect and Socket.Connect to request IPv4 or IPv6.
- Improved font handling with syntax coloring, so we can now have bold fonts there.
- Fixed coordinates for WebView.Screenshot with multiple screens.
- Added call # for Trace, so you can better see which result belongs to which call.
- Updated to DynaPDF
- Improved thread handling with using thread local storage for per script values like error state.
- Added developerExtrasEnabled and logsPageMessagesToSystemConsoleEnabled for WebView preferences.
- Added new XL functions, e.g. for auto filter.
- Added possibility to specify field and tables by ID for FM.InsertRecord and similar functions.
- Added NewInstance parameter for Files.LaunchFile and Files.Launch function.
- Fixed issue with WinSendMail.
- Added Files.SetCreationDate.
- Updated to Xcode 8.3.2
- Added script step for MBS function calls which can be used in future FileMaker versions instead of Set Variable or Set Field.
- Added ability to define your own evaluation based script steps.
Download at
monkeybreadsoftware.de/filemaker/files/Prerelease/ or ask for being added to the dropbox shared folder.
Once again I come to Berlin next week and I organize a FileMaker developer meeting in Berlin.
Date: 2nd May 2017
Time: Probably around 18 to 22 o'clock.
Location: A nice restaurant or beer garden.
Topics: FileMaker News, Conferences and Plugins.
If you like to join us, let me know by email and I keep you updated.
If you plan to go, be sure to register till 28th April 2018 for early bird pricing.
See you in Phoenix Arizona for the
FileMaker Developer Conference, 24th to 27th July 2017.
MBS will be present with a booth in the vendor area.
If you don't get a room in the JW Marriott Phoenix Desert Ridge hotel, you can try next door at the
Marriott's Canyon Villas. Just a short walk over the street and parking area (0.4 miles) to the conference hotel.
With next 7.2 plugin, we can now restart FileMaker and open the same database:
Set Variable [$dbpath; Value:Get ( FilePath )]
Set Variable [$dbpath; Value:MBS( "Path.FileMakerPathToNativePath"; $dbpath )]
Set Variable [$apppath; Value:MBS( "App.GetProcessPath" )]
Set Variable [$r; Value:MBS( "Files.Launch"; $apppath; $dbpath; 1 )]
Exit Application
Normally on Mac launching the app would use the same instance. But with the new flag 1 on the end, we start a new instance.
So this script will launch a new copy of FileMaker and quit the current application.

New in this prerelease of the 7.2 MBS FileMaker Plugin:
- Added Files.SetModificationDate.
- Added SyntaxColoring.GetMinCalcFontSize and SyntaxColoring.SetMinCalcFontSize to define minimum font size for calculation dialog.
- Fixed bug with GMImage.DestroyAll.
- Added Zoom Button for Script Workspace.
- Removed for 64-bit the limits on how many connections/images/etc. you can make.
- Added local and remote notifications for iOS.
- Added email sending via email client on Windows (MAPI).
- Implemented App.SetDockBadgeLabel and App.GetDockBadgeLabel for iOS.
- Fixed SQL.InsertRecords to handle floating point numbers better.
- Updated to Xcode 8.3.1
- Updated SQLAPI to version 4.1.11.
- Rewrote Audit Field Type cache to be more reliable.
- Improved CURL progressbar handling, so you can see progress dialog while sending big email.
- Fixed a problem with CURL AWS domain detection.
- Fixed bug with resizing ListDialog on Windows and made it more resolution aware.
- Added Volume and Rate parameters to Text.Speak function.
- Fixed a bug in AVRecorder.Init to work better if no video device is found.
- Fixed a bug with GMImage.NewFromContainer where referenced image file would stay open.
- Added Dialog.GetButtonPressed function.
- Fixed bug with missing variable check and future FileMaker.
Download at
monkeybreadsoftware.de/filemaker/files/Prerelease/ or ask for being added to the dropbox shared folder.
For the script workspace, I found a way to add zoom controls, so with FileMaker 14 and newer you can soon zoom:

The buttons zoom out, 100% and zoom in.
And for various calculation dialogs, we can apply a minimum font size:
So whenever the plugin formats the formula, it can apply a bigger font size than FileMaker does by default.
Especially for presentations it may be worth to install MBS Plugin and adjust sizes.

Several clients requested sending emails via mail client on Windows, especially using Outlook. So for next MBS Plugins we add
WinSendMail functions. You can set subject, text, recipients and add attachments. Depending on the actual mail client, some features work different. For Thunderbird multiple attachments work nice, but Outlook returns always an error with more than one. But with Outlook we can pass a html file and leave text empty to send a html email.
Send text and add attachment:
You can include html in the email:
Thunderbird accepts two attachments:
With further testing, we will see what more works and what doesn't. But so far we are not affected by the Server Busy error or 32/64 bit issues, FileMaker itself runs into.
As you may know we have our iOS SDK Extension for FileMaker iOS SDK.
We are working on an update to support
notifications in the FileMaker iOS SDK:
So you can create local notifications in FileMaker, define title, subtitle, body, badge number and more. Than you add a trigger based on time (Seconds in future), date or a location. We can also receive remote push notifications, if you setup it correct on the server side.
This should be available in a few weeks for everyone to try.

With MBS FileMaker Plugin 4.5 we reorganized the IDs in our plugin. Now you can see from the ID where it came from. So ID 14012 is an email. Except if you used more than a 1000 regular expressions and also reached that ID there. But in general we don't expect a lot of people use the plugin so much until they restart FileMaker. And even if you have several objects with same ID, the functions will know what they look for and it just works.
So here an updated list for plugin version 7.2:
Menu | 10000 | text |
Menu Items | 11000 | text |
QuickList | 12000 | text |
Regular Expressions | 13000 | text |
SendEmail | 14000 | text |
Window | 15000 | text |
CURL sessions | 16000 | text |
Midi Streams | 17000 | text |
GraphicsMagick Image | 18000 | text |
XL Books | 19000 | text |
DynaPDF Context | 20000 | text |
DynaPDF Table | 21000 | text |
SQL Command | 22000 | text |
SQL Connection | 23000 | text |
CoreLocation Geocoder | 24000 | text |
CoreGraphics Image Source | 25000 | text |
Addressbook Item | 26000 | text |
Calendar Item | 27000 | text |
SerialPort | 28000 | text |
Socket | 29000 | text |
PDFKit Document | 30000 | text |
Drag & Drop | 31000 | number |
TAPI | 32000 | text |
not used | 33000 | text |
Dictionary | 34000 | text |
HotKey | 35000 | text |
MarkDown | 36000 | text |
SQL in FileMaker | 37000 | text |
Schedule | 38000 | text |
ProcessActivity | 39000 | text |
AVAsset | 40000 | text |
WMI Query | 41000 | text |
QTKitMovie | 42000 | text |
Social Request | 43000 | text |
Email Parser | 44000 | text |
EC Key | 45000 | text |
WordFile | 46000 | text |
JavaScript | 47000 | text |
FSEvents | 48000 | text |
DNS Lookup | 49000 | text |
LDAP | 50000 | text |
JSON | 51000 | text |
not used | 52000 | text |
AVCapture | 53000 | text |
AVExport | 54000 | text |
QTExport | 55000 | text |
Events | 56000 | text |
SSH | 57000 | text |
SmartCard | 58000 | text |
AppleScript | 59000 | text |
Java | 60000 | text |
TouchBar | 61000 | text |
X509 | 62000 | text |
PKey | 63000 | text |
PKCS12 | 64000 | text |
Drag View | 65000 | text |
AVPlayer | 66000 | text |
MAPI | 67000 | text |
DirectoryChange | 68000 | text |
WindowsNotification | 69000 | text |
iOS Notifications | 70000 | text |
As you see most IDs are nowadays returned as text and not as numbers. If you just keep them in variables, things should go right. And for storing in fields, simply use text fields. Storing them in number fields may also work as long as you later read the numbers without dot and decimals. "12345" will work, but "12345.00000" may not.
Some function even allow you to define your own IDs, e.g.
SQL.NewCommand and
In iOS you can assign a ring tone to individual contacts. As I missed to find a way to set ring tone to silence for my special contact for ad calls, I made a new ring tone with only silence. Maybe you like it?
session list is available for the FileMaker DevCon, July 24-27 in Phoenix Arizona.
My MBS FileMaker Plugin Introduction session is scheduled for Wednesday, 26th July 2017 at 2:15pm in room Grand Canyon 4. If you come to the conference, please join me and learn what's new this year in MBS Plugin. Or visit my booth.
My Tip: go to the sessions which are not recorded.

New in this prerelease of the 7.2 MBS FileMaker Plugin:
- Added context menu for popup menus to copy title and list entries.
- Updated OpenSSL to 1.1.0e and 1.0.2k
Download at
monkeybreadsoftware.de/filemaker/files/Prerelease/ or ask for being added to the dropbox shared folder.
Sometimes you see a popup menu control in FileMaker and you like to copy the entries.
To help you our new 7.2pr2 plugin does offer a context menu on all popup controls:
You can copy the visible text or the whole list of options as text.

Am 18. Mai 2017 treffen sich interessierte FileMaker Entwickler bei der Denkform in Hofheim (Taunus).
Wir schauen uns neues in der FileMaker Welt an. Unter anderem FileMaker Cloud und das aktuelle MBS Plugin.
Michael Valentin von FileMaker Deutschland kommt vorbei und präsentiert und steht dann für Fragen bereit.
Ich kann dann gerne noch ein paar Neuerungen im MBS Plugin zeigen für die Version 7.2.
Anmeldung auf der Eventseite. Zeitlich vermutlich 18 bis 21 Uhr. Eventuell mit optionalem Abendessen.
A great move by FileMaker to add young people to the conference:
Women of FileMaker is excited to offer three scholarships to the 2017 FileMaker Developer Conference (DevCon) held July 25-26 in Phoenix, Arizona. We believe that DevCon is a wonderful learning and connecting experience, and we are excited to promote the cause of women in technology by helping them to gain access to FileMaker learning and networking potential. This year, we are offering scholarships for three pre-paid registrations to DevCon, as well as assigning a mentor to each scholarship winner to help them navigate the conference and get the most out of the experience. Deadline for applications is April 7.
Requirements & Qualifications
- This must be your first FileMaker DevCon
- The scholarship does not include hotel or airfare
- The conference pass is non-transferable
- Applications close on April 7, 2017
- Winners will be notified on or before April 28, 2017
womenoffilemaker.com/scholarship/ for more details and registration.
I just wonder if they saw that at my Xojo conferences where I offer three scholarships myself.
Just two months till the
FileMaker Conference .fmp[x]Berlin 2017. See you there!
This conference is organized by
Egbert Friedrich and takes place from 1st to 3rd June 2017 in Berlin, Germany.
As the conference is in english, this is your chance to meet people from around the world at a conference in Europe. And for a lot of people it's easier to get to Berlin than to cross the atlantic and deal with US immigration officers.
dotfmp is an effort of various leading European FileMaker Developers. It is meant to bring all kinds of higher level developers together to share knowledge, educate and challenge each other.
dotfmp starts at the 31 May 2107 in the later afternoon with a relaxed "Beer and Sausages" in one of the most famous Berlin Beergarden.The session days itself last from 1 until 3 June with various socialising events in the evenings. Additionally we offer suport on 4 June to see more from Berlin and its surroundings.
dotfmp is a 3 Day-Unconference, Meetup, Hangout or Barcamp. It is an informal and self-organized effort to meet on a personal base.
dotfmp takes place in one of the most famous spots in Berlin. The GLS Campus is located in a vibrant area with a very short walking distance to all the famous restaurants.
We feel there are far too few possibilities to talk to, learn from, and hangout with fellow developers in a relaxed and informal environment. And we'd like to share work and get feedback from people chewing on similar challenges.
If you like to join the conference and present something, please
register soon.

New in this prerelease of the 7.2 MBS FileMaker Plugin:
Download at
monkeybreadsoftware.de/filemaker/files/Prerelease/ or ask for being added to the dropbox shared folder.
Coming soon in MBS Plugins for Xojo and FileMaker:
Will be part of next prerelease in a few days.
My coding challenge for the spare time on the weekend. The most difficult thing is to get this build in a plugin that can load on Windows XP, even those notifications are only available in Windows 8.1 and newer.

1st April 2000 I found my company. Well, I registered as a business by getting my Gewerbeanmeldung (business registration) here in Germany.
That was 2 months before I finished school (Gymnasium). While alternative civilian service (Zivildienst) and my time at the
university, the company run well and I didn't have to depend on my parents or student loans. Actually the company got me so busy over the years, that I spend less time at university and since 2007 this is my full time job.
I had a few clients in that time interested in development in
REALbasic, a very young development environment which started two years earlier. At that time I had a website with a
few freeware utilities, so people could see that I can do development. Two years later the demand for plugins got so high, that end of 2001 I started publishing my own plugins.
Thanks everyone for supporting me over the years!
PS: If you need a license (update) this weekend, refer to this blog post and I put a 17% discount on the invoice.