If you plan to go to the
FileMaker DevCon this year, be sure to take advantage of the early bird offer and also make sure you get a room in the hotel. It may be booked out quickly.
MBS will be there with a booth, so you can come and meet me there.
Today I found a trick to do the zooming on HTMLViewer in Xojo and Webviewer in FileMaker for Windows:
So we have now functions for both Mac and Windows.
Nickenich, Germany - MonkeyBread Software today is pleased to announce MBS FileMaker Plugin 4.1 for Mac OS X or Windows, the latest update to their product that is easily the most powerful plugin currently available for FileMaker Pro. As the leading database management solution for Windows, Mac, and the web, the FileMaker Pro Integrated Development Environment supports a plugin architecture that can easily extend the feature set of the application. MBS FileMaker Plugin 4.1 has been updated and now includes over 2400 different functions, and the versatile plugin has gained more new functions:
For Mac OS X we added
menu commands so you can build a menu with submenus and have it popup on screen relative to mouse or window. Menus can be decorated with images, checkmarks or custom font styles.
Our new
cipher and digest functions allow you to create very flexible hashes or encrypted content which is compatible to other applications. You can process files, text or content stored in a container. For example you can encrypt a container with AES256 and transmit it as text by email. On the receiver you import back in FileMaker and decrypt it in a container field.
CoreLocation's geo coder, we can use Apple's service to locate the geo coordinates for an address. Of course the other direction is also possible by querying the address of coordinates. Once you have addresses geo coded in your database you can do calculations about distance between two locations and find for example which clients live in a certain area.
DynaPDF we added new functions to create checkboxes and textfields for forms. We had before functions to query form values and now added a few functions to set form field values. You can now
search for text on a page and get back all locations where text was found. Finally you can
load custom fonts from a folder for use in the PDF files.
For simple
message dialogs, you can use our latest Dialog functions. For listing files, we now offer a way to
list them recursively. The
Audit functions got improved with new options, we added path drawing to graphicsmagick, new options for
print dialog and
run task. We can now build arrays in JSON from a list of texts, zoom in a webviewer or do some bitwise math operations.
More details in the release notes. Please take the time to check our 250 example databases and check where you can use our plugin features in your solutions.
New in this prerelease of the 4.1 plugins:
- Added JSON.CreateStringArrayWithList function.
- Added new mode to String.ReplaceNewline for html/xml.
- Changed String.EncodeToHTML to ignore lower ASCII control characters.
- Added Files.ListRecursive function.
- Added DynaPDF.AddFontSearchPath function.
- Added Math.BitwiseAND, Math.BitwiseOR, Math.BitwiseNOT, Math.BitwiseXOR, Math.BitwiseShiftRight or Math.BitwiseShiftLeft.
- Improved QTMovie and PDFKit functions to read external containers by file.
Download at
monkeybreadsoftware.de/filemaker/files/Prerelease/ or ask for being added to the dropbox shared folder.
PS: Uploaded new version as the popup example was broken.
New in this prerelease of the 4.1 plugins:
- Added DynaPDF.CreateCheckBox and DynaPDF.CreateTextField.
- Added RunTask methods to add arguments and read/write data to the launched app.
- Fixed a problem with CGImageSource.Keys function where it crashed with invalid image reference.
- Added Menu/MenuItem functions and a Menu.Popup method to show popup menu on Mac.
- Added DynaPDF functions: DynaPDF.GetImportFlags, DynaPDF.SetImportFlags, DynaPDF.SetTextFieldValue and DynaPDF.SetTextFieldValueEx.
- Improved container reading for movie files.
Download at
monkeybreadsoftware.de/filemaker/files/Prerelease/ or ask for being added to the dropbox shared folder.
PS: Uploaded new version as the popup example was broken.
Currently Mac OS X only, but working nice already:
For FileMaker 11 to 13.
New in this prerelease of the 4.1 plugins:
- Added new grapichsmagick path drawing methods.
- Improved DynaPDF.GeneratePreview to flattens annotations and forms.
- Fixed bug in DynaPDF.GetTextFieldValue and DynaPDF.GetTextFieldDefaultValue function.
- Added CLGeocoder functions to map address to geo coordinate and back on Mac OS X.
- Changed plugin to return error message if you pass compressed container value. We have no idea on how to uncompress.
- Added functions Audit.SetLogAccess and Audit.GetLogAccess.
- Fixed functions Files.FileExists, Files.ItemExists, Files.DirectoryExists to return 0 on Mac instead of error if file/item/directory is not found.
- Changed Audit functions to ignore fields in the audit table which are not used. This way you can have automatically calculated fields there.
Download at
monkeybreadsoftware.de/filemaker/files/Prerelease/ or ask for being added to the dropbox shared folder.