Meet us next week and let's talk about plugins, Real World news and other topics:
Real Studio
6th June 2012, 19:30 o'clock, Block House Othmarschen, See
7th June 2012, 19 o'clock Block House Wandsbeck. See
If you are interested in an extra meeting with me, we can arrange something for 7th June.

New in this prerelease of the 2.8 plugins:
- Fixed crash with Path.FilemakerPathToNativePath on Windows.
- Added Files.CopyFile, Files.MoveFile and Files.MoveToTrash.
- Fixed bug on Mac in Webviewer callback handler. Please check that your projects will work.
Download later today at
With our MBS FIlemaker plugin we have CURL functions which can do various network things. One of them is to send requests to a web service. Now it can be a little bit tricky to get this done in a Filemaker script, so we made an example for one service:
CDYNE Weather is a free SOAP Web Service that provides you with up to date weather information in the United States. This information is derived from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) National Weather service into a clean and easy to parse XML format.
The WSDL describes the functions and you can read it
here. Looking at the
GetCityWeatherByZIP function you see exactly what XML you need to send and what you receive as answer.
With MBS Plugin, we start a new CURL session. We set various options to turn it into a HTTP POST request to our web service URL. We also need to specify a few header fields for SOAP Action and content type. Than we send request. From the answer, we parse the field values and apply them to our fields.
You can see the example database here:
If you have a question, please do not hesitate to ask us.
Did you know that Fedex has a web service?
You can integrate your application directly with the
Fedex web services and for example register packages for pick up with them.
So the good thing is that you can take their WSDL and send it through our SOAP Kit Utility. It generates the classes required and you can easily talk to their web service by calling some new methods generated by our utility app.
You can of course do the same with building the SOAP requests and parsing the replies yourself. For sending/receiving you can use our CURL plugin functions or simply a HTTPSocket.

I just signed up as gold sponsor for the conference. So if you come to Salzburg for this conference, it would be nice to meet you and talk about plugins with Filemaker.
For more details, please check the website.
Browsers store cookies for websites, so they identify you. Looking in a typical browser's cookie list, you see thousands of them. So either you don't care for that or you manage it. I now got the Cookies app from Mac app store. What you can do is to mark important cookies from websites where you want to have auto login enabled to be your favorites. And for all other cookies, you set: delete them on browser quit. This way all the advertisement tracking stops working.
Well, on our own website, over the years I tried clustrmap and google analytics to learn about who visits the website. I stopped clustrmap yesterday. I disabled google analytics last year, but finally I deleted last scripts from them, too. Our websites still have the website chat, which we may reduce so it does not set a cookie unless you use it. Especially as there are privacies laws coming to European union which may require us to make cookies an opt-in or opt-out thing.
Nickenich, Germany - MonkeyBread Software today is pleased to announce MBS FileMaker Plugin 2.7 for Mac OS X or Windows, the latest update to their product that is easily the most powerful plugin currently available for FileMaker Pro. As the leading database management solution for Windows, Mac, and the web, the FileMaker Pro Integrated Development Environment supports a plugin architecture that can easily extend the feature set of the application. MBS FileMaker Plugin 2.7 has been updated for Filemaker 12 and now includes 1000 different functions, and the versatile plugin has gained new features:

For your convenience, here the release notes:
- Added FileDialog functions.
- Added JSON functions.
- Added CoreLocation functions to query location of a Mac.
- Added Encryption.DecryptBlowfish and Encryption.EncryptBlowfish.
- Added Encryption.DecryptAES and Encryption.EncryptAES.
- Added Hash.MD5 and Hash.SHA512 functions to get hashes of UTF-8 text.
- Added WebPolicyDelegate functions to decide which files should be downloaded.
- Added WebDownloadDelegate functions so you can get downloads from WebViewer on Mac.
- Added functions Files.AppPath, Files.Launch, Files.LaunchFile and Files.RevealFile.
- Added duration parameter for Mac OS X to Window.Resize and Window.Move.
- Added WebView.EstimatedProgress.
- Added Icon.SetIcon and Icon.ClearIcon for Mac to set/remove file icons.
- Added new CURL functions: CURL.AddInputFile, CURL.AddInputJPEG, CURL.AddInputPNG and CURL.AddInputText.
- Added Files.FileSize function.
- Added more parameter for Mac to Webview.LoadURL function.
- Added Window.ScrollbarsVisible function.
- Added Window.GetAlpha.
- Added Preferences.SetValue and Preferences.SetValue functions.
- Added Files.DirectoryExists, Files.FileExists and Files.ItemExists functions.
- Added PDFKit.Watermark function.
- Added PDFKit.GetPDFPageFormattedText function.
- Fixed crash on Windows with CURL options using lists.
- Fixed Window.HideScrollbar function for Filemaker 12 on Mac and Windows.
- Fixed GraphicsMagick functions to no longer crash if you call them with Destroyed image reference.
- Changed CURL.SetUpdateProgressDialog to now also work for uploads.
- Changed CURL debug output to no longer contain SSL raw data of transfer.
- Changed Webview and Window functions on Mac so they better check if a handle is no longer valid. We now track which windows are closed and invalid window references so they can't be used.
- Changed plugin to use more Unicode APIs for better file name handling.
- Improved Drag and Drop. You can now specify email and receive email drags from Apple Mail.
- Improved hidden scrollbars on Mac for Filemaker 12 so they stay hidden even with resizing window.
- Implemented Path.NativePathToFilemakerPath and Path.FilemakerPathToNativePath for Windows.

New in this prerelease of the 2.7 plugins:
- Added duration parameter for Mac OS X to Window.Resize and Window.Move.
- Added WebView.EstimatedProgress.
Download later today at

Today our podcast has its forth birthday.
I hope you enjoy our videos at
And you can subscribe to our podcast on iTunes:
iPhone/iPod or
High Resolution.
Do not hesitate to send us suggestions and wishes for new videos.

New in this prerelease of the 2.7 plugins:
- Added WebView.EstimatedProgress.
Download at

New in this prerelease of the 2.7 plugins:
- Added Icon.SetIcon and Icon.ClearIcon for Mac to set/remove file icons.
- Added new CURL functions: CURL.AddInputFile, CURL.AddInputJPEG, CURL.AddInputPNG and CURL.AddInputText.
- Added JSON functions.
Download at
The next monthly Filemaker meeting in Rhein-Main area here in Germany will be this week on 3rd May 2012. Special guest this time is Michael Valentin from Filemaker and he will of course present the new Filemaker 12 release.
If you have time, please join us.
see also: