MBS Workshop in Hamburg bei der FileMaker Konferenz

In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Verein FM Konferenz bieten wir eine Schulung zum MBS Plugin an. Am 16. Oktober 2019 können Sie in Hamburg, Deutschland an einer eintägigen Schulung teilnehmen. Lernen Sie die über 5000 Funktionen einmal näher kennen und wie Sie sie effektiv einsetzen. Sammeln Sie Ideen und verbessern Sie ihre FileMaker Lösungen durch den Einsatz unseres Plugins.

Das Monkeybread Software Plugin für FileMaker stellt eine vielseitige Erweiterung der eigenen Datenbank dar. Der Kurs bietet nicht nur einen tiefgreifenden Überblick in die Benutzung und Entwicklung, sondern bietet auch die Chance das Plugin günstiger zu erstehen.
  • Einführung in das MBS Plugin
  • Überblick über die Funktionsbereiche
  • Neues im MBS Plugin dieses Jahr und in der dann aktuellen Version
  • Rundgang durch ausgewählte Beispiele
  • Gemeinsames Implementieren von Plugin Funktionen in eine Datenbank.
    • Upload/Download mit CURL auf einen HTTP/FTP Server
    • Ausfüllen eines Formulars auf einer Webseite
    • Bilder bearbeiten
    • PDF Verarbeitung
    • Druckerfunktionen
    • Barcodes und Zahlungsscheine
    • Einbinden von Webservices with JSON/XML für REST/SOAP.
    • Senden und Empfangen von Emails.
  • Fragen und Antworten
Die Teilnahme kostet 119 Euro (Frühbucher bis 16. Juli 2019) bzw. 149 Euro inkl. Verpflegung und MWSt.. Trainer ist der Plugin Entwickler und Monkeybread Software Geschäftsführer Christian Schmitz persönlich. Beginn gegen 9 Uhr und Ende gegen 17 Uhr.

Anmeldung bei Monkeybread Software. Schulung findet statt. Mindestteilnehmerzahl erreicht!

Am Abend vorher treffen wir uns zum gemütlichen Beisammensein im Restaurant vom Konferenzhotel. Im Anschluss an die Schulung können Sie gleich rüber zum Apero gehen und die anderen Teilnehmer kennen lernen.

Bei Fragen und Themenwünschen melden Sie sich bitte direkt bei uns.
Weiter Schulungstermine: 7. Nov 2019 bei der Denkform in Wiesbaden, 19. November in Meilen.

New Windows Pipe class for Xojo

Yesterday we got a call from a good client asking for a IPCSocket replacement in Xojo. The existing IPCSocket class in Xojo didn't work for them when using a Windows service.

So we started yesterday evening with the development of our new WindowsPipeMBS class. The class can work client or server side, so you can either create a pipe or connect to one. When the connection is made, we fire the Connected event and in case the pipe breaks, we fire the PipeBroken event. There you can close the pipe and create or connect a new pipe.

For a pipe you can define the name which is used to refer to the pipe. You define the buffer size for the input and output buffers. And when using applications running in different user accounts, we can allow other users to connect. This allows especially a service to be connected by a normal user application.

To send data, we got a Write method, which takes either MemoryBlock or String to send. When data arrives, the DataAvailable event is triggered. You can check the given parameters there or use the BytesAvailable property to know how much data is there. With Peek function, you can look at the data you need or use PeekAll at all the data in the incoming buffer. With Read or RealAll you can read the content of the buffer and remove it from there.

The pipe can be run in message mode. Default is to run in byte mode, which means you read and write just bytes. When using message mode, each call to Write creates a message. When you read on the other side, you get each message as one block. So in data available handler you get a call for each message with MessageBytesAvailable property showing the size. When you call ReadAll, you get just the content of message, even if more data is in the buffer. Once a message is read, you can read the next message. Message mode is great, when your payload is for example JSON data.

We hope you enjoy the new class and our customer is happy as they got the desired class in less than 24h.
The WindowsPipeMBS class will be part of the MBS Xojo Plugins 19.5.

Xojo Developer Conference 2020

Six months till the XOJO.CONNECT 2020 in Nashville, Tennessee, USA. You have a few days left for early bird pricing:

It will be held March 25-27, 2020 in Nashville, TN at the Sheraton Music City Hotel. Registration is currently $200 off full price till 15th Sep 2019 ($799 instead of $999). Please sign up early to get the best deal.

Check out our conference highlights video if you want to see what it's like - or ask one of the many attendees from the forum!

Looking for a conference this year? Join the European Xojo Conference 2019 in Cologne, October 24-25th.

PS: If you fly from Europe, it can be cheaper for the tickets to add a few extra days and stop for example in New York compared to flying directly.

MBS Presentation for FileMaker Konferenz

Worked today on new slides for upcoming FileMaker Konferenz in Hamburg. Always hard to decide which slides to kick with older features and which newer features to present with new slide or just list on a misc slide.

Please join local FileMaker Conferences in Europe and Japan.

One month till European MBS Xojo Conference 2019 in Cologne

Only one month left before our conference & training for Xojo starts.

Your chance to meet Xojo developers in Europe without traveling to USA. Five reasons why you should attend a conference:
  • Learn something new.
    With API 2.0, new Web Framework and Android coming soon and recent changes for MacOS Catalina, take the chance to learn information from first hand and ask your questions.
  • Networking with peers
    Find new contacts, people that may help you with problems. Try to ask everyone what they do and build a list of experts. Meet the people from the Xojo forum and thank them for their help in the past.
  • Encounter new vendors and suppliers
    Meet developers from plugins, components, training and other services. Use their services to provide greater values to your clients.
  • Position yourself as an expert
    Let others know what you know and can do, so they can hire your services. Build a reputation as a valuable member of the community.
  • Have fun!
    Leave your office and have a great time with other developers. Use your visit to Cologne for some sight seeing.

Monkeybread Software is pleased to announce the European MBS Xojo Conference in metropolitan Cologne, Germany. We meet in the lovely Dorint Hotel in the center of Cologne. The hotel is in the city center and in walking distance to the main station. Beside our two conference days we have accompanying social programme with our dinner event and optional two training days. For the evenings we have casual get-together in the hotel bar or beer garden.

We have over 60 attendees signed up from 15 countries:
🇩🇪, 🇬🇧, 🇳🇱, 🇫🇷, 🇨🇭, 🇺🇸, 🇬🇷, 🇸🇮, 🇦🇹, 🇮🇹, 🇺🇦, 🇪🇸, 🇯🇴, 🇧🇪, & 🇨🇦.

The schedule:

Oct 23rd: Xojo Training in English
Oct 24th: Conference, first day with dinner event
Oct 25th: Conference, second day
Oct 26th: Xojo Training in German

Registration is open. Attending the conference costs regularly 699 Euro plus VAT, including food and beverage in the Dorint Hotel as well as an accompanying social program.

Get a 599 Euro ticket when signing up before 30th September 2019.

Sessions are to be held in English. Our conference is conceived as a networking event for the Xojo community. The conference is an ideal opportunity for sharing your thoughts and your own development experience with fellow users and developers.

See also conference website, Things to do in Cologne beside our conference and European Xojo Conference FAQ.

Local FileMaker developer conferences

Please join local FileMaker conference in Europe and Japan:
Conference Name Location Date Registration
UK DevCon London, UK 14 October Learn more
FM Conférence Poitiers, France 16 - 18 October Learn more
FileMaker Konferenz Hamburg, Germany 17 - 19 October Learn more
Scandinavian DevCon Helsingør, Denmark 20 - 22 October Learn more
FMSummit Den Bosch, Netherlands 21 - 23 October Learn more
FM Devcon Bologna, Italy 23 - 25 October Learn more
Spanish DevCon Madrid, Spain 25 - 26 October Learn more
FileMaker Conference 2019 Minato-ku, Tokyo 6 - 8 November Learn more
You can meet us in Hamburg at FileMaker Konferenz and we offer a German MBS Plugin training on 15th October.

MBS Plugins for Real Studio or REALbasic

We still build plugins for REALbasic and Real Studio as some customers still need them. While 99% use Xojo, there is a small part of our customers still using older versions.

We plan to update our plugins this year with 19.5 version to make a really stable version of our plugins with 32-bit support for Real Studio (and REALbasic).
Not sure if we can continue with building Real Studio plugins in 2020 (Mac 32-bit), so we want to have a good (possibly) last version.

So please let us know any problem / bug you like to get fixed.

Please contact us, so you are on the list of Real Studio plugins here and also make sure your license is updated to cover November 2019, so you can use version 19.5 of our plugins.

MBS FileMaker Plugin 9.4, second release

We uploaded MBS FileMaker Plugin in version 9.4 earlier this week. But the build in version had problems. Due to adding taglib in pr8 for Files.AudioTags function, we got a second copy of zlib, the compression library. For an unknown reason the linker didn't complain about duplicate functions and mixed older and newer functions.

The problem caused crashes in inflate function on MacOS. Probably due to mixing old and newer versions of functions. This function is used for PNG decompression, reading compressed containers and compressed HTTP requests. Probably also affected all zip file handling, too.

After we got a few quick workarounds in place for some customers on Thursday, we found on Friday the real cause, so the fixed built could be made. The newer version of 9.4 is now uploaded on the website, so please switch to the newer version if you downloaded the older one already.

Thanks to all people reporting the bugs with crash reports.

Xojo Stammtisch in Zürich, Schweiz

On my next visit to Zurich, I'd love to make another Xojo developer meeting:

Wer hat Interesse an einem Xojo Entwicklertreffen im November in Zürich?

Einfach gemütlich zusammen sitzen und über Xojo schnacken.
Gerne zeige ich auch neue Pluginfunktionen oder helfe bei Problemen mit Xojo Projekten. Einfach Computer mitbringen und was zeigen.

Umfrage für Terminfindung: Umfrage Zürich

Wer Interesse hat an einem Termin mit mir für Softwareentwicklung, Schulungen, Entwicklungshilfe, Plugin Empfehlungen, assistierte Fehlersuche, Code-Review und IT-Beratung, der darf sich gerne melden für eine baldige Terminfindung.

Dynamically build MBS call and evaluate it

Here is an example where we dynamically build the command to evaluate with parameters in $P[] indexed variables. The example inserts a copy of the current record into the same table using FM.InsertRecordThis could be done more efficiently with FM.InsertRecordQuery in one line, but here we wantt o show explicitly how to dynamically build parameter list at runtime:


# Our input parameters with field name list

Set Variable [ $FieldNames ; Value: FieldNames ( Get(FileName) ; Get(LayoutName) ) ] 

# We build parameters for our Evaluate call

Set Variable [ $Params ; Value: "" ] 

Set Variable [ $ParamIndex ; Value: 0 ] 

Set Variable [ $ParamIndex ; Value: $ParamIndex + 1 ] 

Set Variable [ $P[$ParamIndex] ; Value: Get(FileName) ] 

Set Variable [ $Params ; Value: $Params & "; $P[" & $ParamIndex & "]" ] 

Set Variable [ $ParamIndex ; Value: $ParamIndex + 1 ] 

Set Variable [ $P[$ParamIndex] ; Value: Get(LayoutTableName) ] 

Set Variable [ $Params ; Value: $Params & "; $P[" & $ParamIndex & "]" ] 

# We loop over feidl list

Set Variable [ $Count ; Value: ValueCount ( $FieldNames ) ] 

Set Variable [ $FieldIndex ; Value: 0 ] 

Set Variable [ $Types ; Value: "" ] 


# get field name and value

Set Variable [ $FieldIndex ; Value: $FieldIndex + 1 ] 

Set Variable [ $Fieldname ; Value: GetValue($FieldNames; $FieldIndex) ] 

Set Variable [ $Value ; Value: GetField ( $Fieldname) ] 

# Check typ to filter fields we don't want

Set Variable [ $Typ ; Value: FieldType ( Get(FileName) ; $Fieldname ) ] 

If [ Position ( $Typ; "Global"; 1; 1 ) ≥ 1 or Position ( $Typ; "Summary"; 1; 1 ) ≥ 1 or Position($Typ; "storedCalc"; 1; 1) ≥ 1 or $Fieldname = "ID" ] 

# ignore global, statistic and unsaved formula field

// Show Custom Dialog [ "Typ" ; $FieldName & ": " & $typ ] 


# We store in $P[] our parameters for evaluate and in $Params the parameters for Evaluate

Set Variable [ $Types ; Value: $Types & ¶ & $FieldName & ": " & $Typ ] 

Set Variable [ $ParamIndex ; Value: $ParamIndex + 1 ] 

Set Variable [ $P[$ParamIndex] ; Value: $Fieldname ] 

Set Variable [ $Params ; Value: $Params & "; $P[" & $ParamIndex & "]" ] 

Set Variable [ $ParamIndex ; Value: $ParamIndex + 1 ] 

Set Variable [ $P[$ParamIndex] ; Value: $Value ] 

Set Variable [ $Params ; Value: $Params & "; $P[" & $ParamIndex & "]" ] 

End If

Exit Loop If [ $FieldIndex = $count ] 

End Loop

# now build Evaluate command and show it

// Show Custom Dialog [ "Types" ; $Types ] 

Set Variable [ $Function ; Value: "FM.InsertRecord" ] 

Set Variable [ $command ; Value: "MBS($Function" & $params & ")" ] 

Show Custom Dialog [ "Command" ; $Command ] 

If [ Get ( LastMessageChoice ) = 1 ] 

# And run it!

Set Variable [ $result ; Value: Evaluate($Command) ] 

Show Custom Dialog [ "Result" ; $Result ] 

End If



By passing command with $ variables to evaluate, we avoid converting all parameters to text and our values retain their data type.

Mapview with icons in Xojo

We got a new example to show how to put icons on a MapView control in Xojo:

As you see, we use the Xojo icon to mark all the XDC cities on the map including the next XDC location in Nashville.
If you are interested in a Xojo conference, check the next ones in Cologne and Nashville.

To show icons, we add MKPointAnnotationMBS objects to the map and then in viewForAnnotation event, we return a new MKAnnotationViewMBS object and assign the image property to set the image to show. If you use a MKPinAnnotationViewMBS object, then only pins are shown and the image is ignored.

The example will be included in next prerelease, but you can have a copy if needed. Just contact us.

MBS FileMaker Plugin 9.4 - More than 5900 Functions In One Plugin

Nickenich, Germany - (September 17th, 2019) -- MonkeyBread Software today is pleased to announce MBS FileMaker Plugin 9.4 for macOS, iOS, Linux and Windows, the latest update to their product that is easily the most powerful plugin currently available for FileMaker Pro. As the leading database management solution for Windows, macOS, iOS and the web, the FileMaker Pro Integrated Development Environment supports a plugin architecture that can easily extend the feature set of the application. MBS FileMaker Plugin 9.4 has been updated and now includes over 5900 different functions, and the versatile plugin has gained more new functions:

MacOS 10.15 Catalina is coming soon and we prepare for it. We notarize the uploads to avoid warning dialogs and updated a couple of functions to use newer APIs, so they work for the new MacOS version. Check the new Speech functions for MacOS catalina to recognize text in audio files.

The Vision framework for MacOS and iOS provides functions to detect faces, face landmarks, recognize text, barcodes, humans and animals. We added a couple of functions to use some of the features in the framework.

In our Barcode functions, we now support more Barcode types including the Ultra type. With our new Barcode.GenerateJSON, we can now generate barcode and provide more options like border and output options.

For using Apple Maps with our MapView functions, we got new functions to add circles, points with custom pictures, lines and polygons to the map. The FM.ChooseDictionary function can automatically choose the dictionary to used for spelling in FileMaker.

We improved CGImageSource functions to change properties like IPTC, EXIF and GPS values and write the image back to disk. The new Files.AudioTags function allows you to read audio file properties including metadata, e.g. ID3v2 tags. Use the Files.SetAudioTags function to write modified tags back to the audio file.

For GraphicsMagick we got a new GMImage.Hash function, for CubeSQL we can connect with SSL and our new Text.ConvertToTextEncoding and Text.ConvertFromTextEncoding functions allow you to work with exotic text encodings. For iOS you can use UNNotification.SetNFCScript function for background scanning with URL trigger with a NFC card.

Finally we updated CURL library to version 7.66.0, zint to 2.6.5, DynaPDF to and Xcode to 10.3.

See release notes for a complete list of changes.

MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 19.4

Nickenich, Germany - (September 17th, 2019) -- MonkeyBread Software today is pleased to announce MBS Xojo Plugins 19.4 for macOS, Linux and Windows, the latest update to their product that is easily the most powerful plugin collection currently available for Xojo. MBS Xojo Plugins have been updated and now includes over 2600 classes and 65,000 documented features, and the versatile plugins have gained more new functions:

With this version we update the plugin to work with Xojo 2019r2. A few changes where required due to API changes in Xojo. Please update plugins if you plan to use Xojo 2019r2.

MacOS 10.15 Catalina is coming soon and we prepare for it. We notarize the uploads to avoid warning dialogs and updated a couple of functions to use newer APIs, so they work for the new MacOS version. ChartDirector got an update to handle fonts on the new MacOS version better. We added a new NSColorSamplerMBS class to ask the user to pick a color from screen without needing permissions to take screenshots.

For MacOS we added a new CopyFileMBS class. It provides the low level APIs used on MacOS to copy files with various options, recursive directory handling and handling of extended attributes. We upgraded our CVPixelBufferMBS class with additional methods to create pixel buffers from data in memoryblocks and to create CIImageMBS for it.

The Vision framework on MacOS provides functions to detect faces, face landmarks, recognize text, barcodes, humans and animals. We added over 50 classes related to this framework to cover all the features for use in Xojo.

In our Barcode plugin, we now support more Barcode types including the Ultra type. For detection of barcodes, we have new classes to search on quadrants of pages and detect multiple barcodes in an image. To debugging we provide pictures for bitmaps and luminance sources.

The Java classes got an upgrade with using variants more. You can get/set a field via variant and we convert it to the data type of the property. You call methods and pass parameters as variant and we type conversion automatically. This greatly simplifies passing parameters and receiving results.

We added SSL connectivity for CubeSQL, more text encodings for TextConverterMBS class, LZ4MBS module for LZ4 compression, magnification methods to WKWebViewControlMBS control, a hash function for GMImageMBS class and TagLibFileRefMBS class got a new SetProperties method to change ID3v2 tags for audio files. ICScannerBandDataMBS class now provides picture property, SHA512MBS class got a HMAC function and CipherMBS class now better reports errors via exceptions.

Finally we updated DynaPDF to version, CURL to 7.66.0, CubeSQL client to 5.8.3, Xcode to 10.3 and zint library to version 2.6.5.

See release notes for a complete list of changes.

Neues MBS FileMaker Plugin 9.4

17. September 2019 - Monkeybread Software veröffentlicht heute das MBS Plugin für FileMaker in Version 9.4, mit inzwischen über 5900 Funktionen eines der größten FileMaker Plugins überhaupt. Hier einige der Neuerungen:

MacOS 10.15 Catalina erscheint bald und wir bereiten uns darauf vor. Der Download vom Plugin ist notarisiert, so dass keine Warnungen erscheinen beim Öffnen. Einige Funktionen sind angepasst für das kommende MacOS Update und wir haben einige neue Funktionen für MacOS Catalina inklusive neuer Speech Funktionen für Sprache in Audiodateien zu erkennen.

Die Vision Bibliothek für MacOS und iOS bietet allerlei interessante Funktionen wie die Erkennung von Gesichtern, Texten, Barcodes, Menschen oder Tiere. Wir haben einige neue Funktionen um diese Funktionen in FileMaker zu nutzen.

Unsere Barcode Funktionen unterstützen mehr Barcode Typen inklusive dem Ultra Typ. Mit der neuen Barcode.GenerateJSON Funktion können Sie alle Parameter als JSON Block angeben und damit auch weitere Parameter einstellen wie eine Umrandung und die Ausgabeoptionen.

Für die Verwendung von Apples Kartendienst mit unseren MapView Funktionen bieten wir neue Funktionen für Kreise, Punkte mit eigenen Bildern, Linien und Polygone auf die Karte zu zeichnen. Mit der FM.ChooseDictionary Funktion können Sie automatisch am Mac das Wörterbuch für die FileMaker Rechtschreibkorrektur auswählen.

Die verbesserten CGImageSource Funktionen können die Metadaten wie IPTC, EXIF und GPS in einem Bild ändern. Das neue Bild kann dann wieder gespeichert werden. Die Files.AudioTags Funktion liest die Metadaten in diversen Musikdateien aus wie z.B. ID3v2. Verwenden Sie Files.SetAudioTags um die geänderten Metadaten wieder in die Datei zu schreiben.

Für GraphicsMagick haben wir eine neue Hash Funktion, für CubeSQL verbinden wir mit SSL und die neuen Text.ConvertToTextEncoding und Text.ConvertFromTextEncoding Funktionen verarbeiten exotische Textkodierungen. Für iOS können Sie mit UNNotification.SetNFCScript im Hintergrund auf NFC Karten horchen lassen und ein Skript triggern, wenn eine Karte mit richtiger URL vorbei kommt.

Außerdem haben wir die CURL Bibliothek auf Version 7.66.0, zint auf 2.6.5, DynaPDF auf und Xcode auf Version 10.3 aktualisiert.

Alle Änderungen in den Release Notes.

Plugin SDK related product ideas for FileMaker

The following product ideas for FileMaker are related to the plugin SDK and plugin usage. I appreciate if your vote helps getting some attention for them from FileMaker Inc.. If the plugin SDK improves over future releases, the plugin authors can write better plugins and provide better features to you. As you see some basic needs like having any idea why a plugin doesn't load, or easily access content of a container or just getting a 64-bit number precisely returned to you from a plugin.
Thanks for reading and voting.

MBS Xojo Plugins, version 19.4pr8

New in this prerelease of the 19.4 plugins:
  • Updated DynaPDF to version
  • Improved RemoveHTMLTagsMBS to ignore greater than or smaller than characters in quoted text.
  • Added YieldTicks shared property to FileListMBS class.
  • Added TagLibFileRefMBS SetProperties, e.g. to change ID3v2 tags in MP3 files.
Download: monkeybreadsoftware.com/xojo/download/plugin/Prerelease/.
Or ask us to be added to our shared Dropbox folder.

MBS FileMaker Plugin, version 9.4pr8

New in this prerelease of version 9.4 of the MBS FileMaker Plugin: Download at monkeybreadsoftware.de/filemaker/files/Prerelease/ or ask for being added to the dropbox shared folder.

Neues vom MBS Plugin 9.3

In diesem Artikel möchte ich ihnen die neuen Funktionen vorstellen, die wir ihnen mit der im Juli erschienen Version 9.3 des MBS FileMaker Plugin anbieten.

Neue Funktionen für einen besseren Umgang mit dem Plugin

Vielleicht haben sie sich schon einmal gefragt, wie oft sie eigentlich eine MBS FileMaker Plugin Funktion benutzen. Nun können sie es mit der Plugin.CallCounter Funktion einfach herausfinden. Diese Funktion zeigt ihnen, wie oft sie eine MBS FileMaker Plugin Funktion aufrufen. Der Aufruf dieser Funktion zählt auch als Pluginfunktionsaufruf mit.

Für eine bessere Fehleranalyse des MBS FileMaker Plugin gibt es nun die Plugin.InstallSignalHandlers Funktion. Mit dieser Funktion installieren sie einen Signal-Handler. Mit dieser Hilfe können Fehler einfacher erkannt und gefunden werden. Im Normalfall wird diese Funktion nur aufgerufen, wenn wir sie darum bitten mit uns gemeinsam auf die Suche nach dem Grund eines Absturzes unter Linux oder MacOS zu gehen.

Neue Funktionen für die Fehlersuche

Bei der Fehlersuche wird ihnen nun auch die Trace.SetErrorsOnly Funktion helfen. Wenn sie bei gleichzeitiger Nutzung unserer Trace Funktionen diese Funktion aufrufen, werden nur MBS Aufrufe mitgeschrieben, die einen Fehler melden. Das kann ihnen bei der Fehleranalyse hilfreiche Informationen liefern. Sie können auch während dem Laufen eines Scrips abfragen, ob diese Fehlermitschrift eingeschaltet ist. Dazu rufen sie dann die Trace.GetErrorsOnly Funktion auf. Mit Trace.SetWithTimes notieren sie zusätzlich den Zeitstempel eines Log Eintrages. Trace.GetWithTimes liefert zurück ob diese Funktion in einem Programm aufgerufen wurde.

Ihnen steht bei der Fehlersuche in Kommandozeilen Programmen die Shell.GetArguments Funktion zur Verfügung. Diese Funktion liefert uns eine Liste aller Argumente der Shell. Dadurch können wir überprüfen, ob ein Argument fehlt, das wir benötigen. (more)

Four ways to save picture as Tiff in Xojo

Depending on your needs, we can offer four different ways to save a picture in tiff (and other) formats.

NSImageMBS is a high level class for handling images on MacOS and it can save in various formats. CGImageDestinationMBS offers a way to export in something like 20 formats on MacOS and iOS (public.jpeg, public.png, com.compuserve.gif, public.tiff, public.jpeg-2000, com.apple.atx, org.khronos.ktx, org.khronos.astc, public.heic, com.microsoft.ico, com.microsoft.bmp, com.apple.icns, com.adobe.photoshop-image, com.adobe.pdf, com.truevision.tga-image, com.ilm.openexr-image, public.pbm, public.pvr).

For cross platform projects, you can for example try GMImageMBS class, which can write in over 100 formats. If you need tiff specific details, you may want to check our dedicated TiffPictureMBS class, which allows you to control all details and lets you set individual header fields.

Dim p As Picture = LogoMBS(500) // 1. NSImageMBS Dim n As New NSImageMBS(p) Dim tiff As String = n.TIFFRepresentation Dim file1 As FolderItem = SpecialFolder.Desktop.Child("test1.tif") Dim b As BinaryStream = BinaryStream.Create(file1) b.Write tiff b.Close // 2. CGImageDestinationMBS Dim image As CGImageMBS = CGImageMBS.CreateImage(p) Dim file2 As FolderItem = SpecialFolder.Desktop.Child("test2.tif") Dim dest As CGImageDestinationMBS = CGImageDestinationMBS.CreateWithFile(file2, "public.tiff", 1) dest.AddImage(image, Nil) If dest.Finalize Then // MsgBox "Saved" Else MsgBox "Failed to save." End If // 3. GMImageMBS Dim gmimage As New GMImageMBS(p) Dim file3 As FolderItem = SpecialFolder.Desktop.Child("test3.tif") gmimage.write(file3) // 4. TiffPictureMBS Dim t As New TiffPictureMBS Dim file4 As FolderItem = SpecialFolder.Desktop.Child("test4.tif") t.Pict = p If t.Create(file4) Then If t.WriteRGB Then t.Close // ok Else Break End If Else Break End If
Please do not hesitate to contact us with questions. And bring your projects with questions to the Xojo conferences to talk directly to us or Xojo engineers.

FileMaker Marketplace started

The FileMaker Marketplace started today. A new way for Claris to present products surrounding their FileMaker software. Currently it is USA and English only. More countries and languages are said to follow later.

MBS FileMaker Plugin is listed with the three nice screenshots we made recently for it:

Check out the over 150 solutions, plugins and modules for FileMaker.

TagLib to read and write ID3v2 Tags in FileMaker

We now use Taglib for our FileMaker plugin to provide tag reading for audio files. Currently it supports both ID3v1 and ID3v2 for MP3 files, Ogg Vorbis comments and ID3 tags and Vorbis comments in FLAC, MPC, Speex, WavPack, TrueAudio, WAV, AIFF, MP4 and ASF files. 

Call Files.AudioTags to read tags and audio properties. You get back a JSON like this:



"AudioProperties": {

"length": 282,

"bitrate": 128,

"sampleRate": 44100,

"channels": 2


"Tags": {

"ARTIST": "John Doe",

"COMMENT": "test comment",

"TITLE": "Hello World"





Length is duration of the audio in seconds, bitrate the bits per second, sampleRate the rate in Hz and channels defines how many audio channels you have. The Tags provide the ID3v2 (or other) tags with values.

Use Files.SetAudioTags to write new tags into a file. You pass a JSON with new tags and we either update/add the tag with new text or remove it (NULL value).


Please try with next plugin prerelease and let us know whether this works for you. Please do not hesitate to contact us with questions.

TagLib to write ID3v2 Tags in Xojo

As you may know, we use TagLib, an open source library to read metadata from audio files, e.g. ID3 tags.

With our TagLibFileRefMBS class you can read properties of an audio file including all the common values like artist, title, album or comment. We now got a setProperties method to update the properties and add/change/delete a few. Just pass in the dictionary with changes. Keys with nil values remove an entry and otherwise add or replace it:

Dim file As FolderItem = SpecialFolder.Desktop.Child("test.mp3") Dim tag As New TagLibFileRefMBS(file) Dim dic As Dictionary = tag.Properties Break // inspect dictionary dic.Value("ARTIST") = "John Doe" dic.Value("ALBUM") = Nil // clear this one tag.SetProperties(dic) If tag.Save Then MsgBox "OK" Else MsgBox "Failed to save" End If
Currently TagLib supports both ID3v1 and ID3v2 for MP3 files, Ogg Vorbis comments and ID3 tags and Vorbis comments in FLAC, MPC, Speex, WavPack, TrueAudio, WAV, AIFF, MP4 and ASF files.

MBS FileMaker Plugin, version 9.4pr7

New in this prerelease of version 9.4 of the MBS FileMaker Plugin: Download at monkeybreadsoftware.de/filemaker/files/Prerelease/ or ask for being added to the dropbox shared folder.

MBS Xojo Plugins, version 19.4pr7

New in this prerelease of the 19.4 plugins:
  • Added allowsMagnification and magnification properties as well as setMagnification method for WKWebViewControlMBS control.
  • Added SSL connection modes for CubeSQL client in MBS Xojo SQL Plugin.
  • Updated CubeSQL client to version 5.8.3.
  • Added Picture and CGImage properties to ICScannerBandDataMBS class.
  • Updated DynaPDF to version
  • Added NoSSL parameter for SetupAWS function in CURLSMBS class.
  • Added Hash function for GMImageMBS class.
  • Added MacROMBootVersion and MacBoardID functions to SystemInformationMBS class.
  • Added setStartDate and setEndDate for EKEventMBS and CalEventMBS classes, so you can specify which time zone to use for converting between Date and NSDate.
  • Added scale for alpha channel pictures for ScaleImageAndMaskMBS, ScaleMBS, ScalingMBS functions in Picture class.
  • Updated CURL library to version 7.66.0.
  • Added more properties to CURLSVersionMBS class.
  • Added OptionSASLAuthZID property, kHTTP_VERSION_3 and kError_Auth_Error constants to CURLSMBS class.
Download: monkeybreadsoftware.com/xojo/download/plugin/Prerelease/.
Or ask us to be added to our shared Dropbox folder.

WIA Error Codes

If you use WIA classes in MBS Xojo Win Plugin or WIA functions in MBS FileMaker Plugin, you may run into some Windows specific error codes. They all start with hex 8021 and below is a list of Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) error codes.

See also blog articles:
Error CodeMeaningHex CodeDecimal
WIA_ERROR_BUSYThe device is busy. Close any apps that are using this device or wait for it to finish and then try again.80210006-2145320954
WIA_ERROR_COVER_OPENOne or more of the device’s cover is open.80210016-2145320938
WIA_ERROR_DEVICE_COMMUNICATIONCommunication with the WIA device failed. Make sure that the device is powered on and connected to the PC. If the problem persists, disconnect and reconnect the device.8021000A-2145320950
WIA_ERROR_DEVICE_LOCKEDThe device is locked. Close any apps that are using this device or wait for it to finish and then try again.8021000D-2145320947
WIA_ERROR_EXCEPTION_IN_DRIVERThe device driver threw an exception.8021000E-2145320946
WIA_ERROR_GENERAL_ERRORAn unknown error has occurred with the WIA device.80210001-2145320959
WIA_ERROR_INCORRECT_HARDWARE_ SETTINGThere is an incorrect setting on the WIA device.8021000C-2145320948
WIA_ERROR_INVALID_COMMANDThe device doesn't support this command.8021000B-2145320949
WIA_ERROR_INVALID_DRIVER_RESPONSEThe response from the driver is invalid.8021000F-2145320945
WIA_ERROR_ITEM_DELETEDThe WIA device was deleted. It's no longer available.80210009-2145320951
WIA_ERROR_LAMP_OFFThe scanner's lamp is off.80210017-2145320937
WIA_ERROR_MAXIMUM_PRINTER_ ENDORSER_COUNTERA scan job was interrupted because an Imprinter/Endorser item reached the maximum valid value for WIA_IPS_PRINTER_ENDORSER_COUNTER, and was reset to 0. This feature is available with Windows 8 and later versions of Windows.80210021-2145320927
WIA_ERROR_MULTI_FEEDA scan error occurred because of a multiple page feed condition. This feature is available with Windows 8 and later versions of Windows.80210020-2145320928
WIA_ERROR_OFFLINEThe device is offline. Make sure the device is powered on and connected to the PC.80210005-2145320955
WIA_ERROR_PAPER_EMPTYThere are no documents in the document feeder.80210003-2145320957
WIA_ERROR_PAPER_JAMPaper is jammed in the scanner's document feeder.80210002-2145320958
WIA_ERROR_PAPER_PROBLEMAn unspecified problem occurred with the scanner's document feeder.80210004-2145320956
WIA_ERROR_WARMING_UPThe device is warming up.80210007-2145320953
WIA_ERROR_USER_INTERVENTIONThere is a problem with the WIA device. Make sure that the device is turned on, online, and any cables are properly connected.80210008-2145320952
WIA_S_NO_DEVICE_AVAILABLENo scanner device was found. Make sure the device is online, connected to the PC, and has the correct driver installed on the PC.80210015-2145320939

MBS Workshop in der Schweiz

Am 19. November 2019 findet eine MBS Schulung in Meilen am Zürichsee statt. Wir treffen uns ab 9 Uhr im Restaurant Löwen in einem separaten Schulungsraum. Nutzen Sie die Chance die 5000 Funktionen des MBS FileMaker Plugins kennen zu lernen und neue Ideen für Ihre FileMaker Lösungen mit zu nehmen.

Geplantes Programm:
  • Präsentation zum MBS Plugin mit einem Überblick über die Funktionalität.
  • Demonstration von neuen Funktionen in der Version 9.x.
  • Rundgang durch ausgewählte Beispiele
  • Zeit für Fragen
Bitte schicken Sie uns ihre Themenwünsche. Eventuell können wir gerne was zu Kartenleser, Barcodes, Webservices, MacOS Catalina oder Runtime Signieren/Notarisieren mit unterbringen.

Die Teilnahme kostet 150 CHF bzw. 135 Euro. Mittagessen im Restaurant inklusive.
Maximal 12 Teilnehmer. Anmeldung bei uns: Anmelden

PS: Die Schulung findet statt, da die Mindestteilnehmerzahl erreicht wurde.

Am gleichen Tag lädt die Medio-Ingeno AG zu einem FileMaker Event ein: FMnext XP III
Ab 17:30 Uhr gibt es im Gewölbekeller im Restaurant Löwen in Meilen ein buntes Programm mit Vorträgen zu FileMaker.

MBS Xojo Plugins, version 19.4pr6

New in this prerelease of the 19.4 plugins:
  • Changed SQL Plugin functions for ODBC on Mac to not complain about missing SQLBrowseConnect.
  • Added LZ4MBS module.
  • Improvements for next Xojo version.
  • Added Name and Signature properties to JavaFieldMBS and JavaMethodMBS classes.
  • Added CallStaticMethod for JavaClassMBS, CallMethod and CallNonvirtualMethod for JavaObjectMBS taking parameters as Variants.
  • Added Field to JavaObjectMBS and StaticField to JavaClassMBS to get/set fields with variants.
  • Added NewObject function to JavaClassMBS to pass parameters to constructor as variants.
  • Added StringValue and Operator_Convert to JavaStringMBS class.
  • Updated Graphics support in DynaPDFMBS class for next version of Xojo.
Download: monkeybreadsoftware.com/xojo/download/plugin/Prerelease/.
Or ask us to be added to our shared Dropbox folder.

MBS FileMaker Plugin, version 9.4pr6

New in this prerelease of version 9.4 of the MBS FileMaker Plugin: Download at monkeybreadsoftware.de/filemaker/files/Prerelease/ or ask for being added to the dropbox shared folder.

LZ4 Extremely fast compression for Xojo

For next MBS Xojo Plugin, we add a LZ4 compression module called LZ4MBS. LZ4 is a lossless compression algorithm with high performance.

We have Compress and Decompress methods for handling data in string and MemoryBlocks in Xojo:

Dim m As String = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor site amat." // make sure encoding is set m = ConvertEncoding(m, encodings.UTF8) // compress Dim c As String = LZ4MBS.Compress(m) // decompress Dim d As String = LZ4MBS.Decompress(c) // set encoding after decompressing d = DefineEncoding(d, encodings.UTF8) // and check If d = m Then MsgBox "Text match" Else MsgBox "Text doesn't match" End If
You can download 19.4pr6 in the next days and try it. Please contact us if you have questions.

Upgrading our Java Support for Xojo

With MBS Plugin 19.4 we will include newer Java methods to make your live easier when working with Java classes in Xojo. Instead of passing arguments as memoryblock or checking which of the various methods to use, we simply use variants.

For fields, you can now use Field() or StaticField() methods to get or set the values. Values are passed as variant and we check which type is needed and do required conversions. All the normal data types should work fine this way like integers, floats, booleans or strings. You can pass/receive JavaObjectMBS and subclasses of course. And for arrays please use the JavaArrayMBS subclasses. As a convenience you can pass in Java string with a Xojo string and we create the java string for you.

For method calls, we got CallMethod, CallNonvirtualMethod and CallStaticMethod to call methods and pass arguments as array of variants. Same for NewObject method to create a new object by calling the constructor.

We add to JavaObjectMBS class:

Field(TheField as JavaFieldMBS) as Variant
CallMethod(MethodID as JavaMethodMBS, args() as Variant) as Variant
CallNonvirtualMethod(TheClass as JavaClassMBS, MethodID as JavaMethodMBS, args() as Variant) as Variant

and to JavaClassMBS class:

StaticField(TheField as JavaFieldMBS) as Variant
NewObject(MethodID as JavaMethodMBS, args() as Variant) as JavaObjectMBS
CallStaticMethod(MethodID as JavaMethodMBS, args() as Variant) as Variant

We hope you enjoy the new freedom to not build memoryblocks for parameters and let the plugin do the heavy work. Please don't hesitate to send us questions.

FileMaker Magazin - MBS Artikel

Wir haben die Artikel zum MBS Plugin aus dem FileMaker Magazin gesammelt hier online gestellt: FileMaker Magazin Artikel.

Wir empfehlen allen FileMaker Anwender ein Abo vom Magazin und den Kauf der alten Ausgaben. Das FileMaker Magazin ist eine exzellente Quelle von Informationen, Anleitungen und Profitips.

MBS Xojo Plugins, version 19.4pr5

New in this prerelease of the 19.4 plugins:
  • Fixed a problem with ActualTech ODBC drivers to connect from Mac to Microsoft SQL server.
  • Fixed CDArrayMBS.percentile to return double.
  • Fixed a bug in WordFileMBS class where it would not update the modified XML correctly for replace in header section.
  • Updated zint library to version 2.6.5.
  • Added barcode type Ultra.
  • Fixed GMImageMBS functions to return picture to better work with GIF images.
  • Fixed possible crash situation with SQL Plugin pinging server in background.
  • Added systemIndigoColor and systemTealColor to NSColorMBS class.
  • Updated ChartDirector to a newer version which loads fonts on MacOS Catalina.
Download: monkeybreadsoftware.com/xojo/download/plugin/Prerelease/.
Or ask us to be added to our shared Dropbox folder.

MBS FileMaker Plugin, version 9.4pr5

New in this prerelease of version 9.4 of the MBS FileMaker Plugin: Download at monkeybreadsoftware.de/filemaker/files/Prerelease/ or ask for being added to the dropbox shared folder.

Using Apple's Global Service Exchange web service in FileMaker

Quite a few Apple shops use FileMaker and/or Xojo for their development of in-house tools. A common request is to use Apple's webservices to query warranty status. So today I want to show some scripts on how to do this with the newer REST API. First of course you have to ask Apple for a GSX login which may require some paperwork. Next you need to white list your static IP for their webservice and get the credentials.


You request a certificate from Apple, so you generate a private key. The tricky key is to copy the private key with the certificate into one pem file. This pem file is than used with our script. Also please download a standard cacert.pem file with root certificates.


Here is an example script to run a query, e.g. to get the authentication token:

# What to do, maybe passed as parameter

Set Variable [ $Query ; Value: "authenticate/token" ] 

Set Variable [ $JSON ; Value: "" ] 

# Some constants you may have

Set Variable [ $shipToCode ; Value: "XXXXXXXXXX" ] 

Set Variable [ $soldToCode ; Value: "XXXXXXXXXX" ] 

Set Variable [ $userIDCode ; Value: "xxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxx.com" ] 

Set Variable [ $ServerURL ; Value: "https://partner-connect-uat.apple.com/gsx/api/" ] 

Set Variable [ $PrivateKeyPassword ; Value: "xxx" ] 

# Where are key files stored?

If [ MBS("IsServer") ] 

# Folder on server with key files

Set Variable [ $path ; Value: "/Library/FileMaker Server/Data/GSX/" ] 


# For local testing also on developer's computer

Set Variable [ $path ; Value: "/Users/admin/Documents/GSX/" ] 

End If

# Query

Set Variable [ $curl ; Value: MBS("CURL.New") ] 

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Build final URL from Server and whatever query you need

Set Variable [ $r ; Value: MBS("CURL.SetOptionURL";$curl; $ServerURL & $Query) ] 

# We pass PEM file with private key and certificate together

Set Variable [ $r ; Value: MBS("CURL.SetOptionSSLCertType"; $curl; "PEM") ] 

Set Variable [ $r ; Value: MBS("CURL.SetOptionKeyPassword"; $curl; $PrivateKeyPassword) ] 

Set Variable [ $r ; Value: MBS("CURL.SetOptionSSLCert"; $curl; $pfad & "cert.pem") ] 

# The usual CURL cacert.pem with valid root certificates

Set Variable [ $r ; Value: MBS("CURL.SetOptionCAINFO"; $curl; $pfad & "cacert.pem") ] 

# We want TLS 1.2

Set Variable [ $r ; Value: MBS("CURL.SetOptionSSLVersion"; $curl; 6) ] 

# Wait maximum 10 seconds for answers

Set Variable [ $r ; Value: MBS("CURL.SetOptionTimeOut"; $curl; 10) ] 

# Headers include shop ID, language and JSON as content type

Set Variable [ $r ; Value: MBS("CURL.SetOptionHTTPHeader"; $curl; "X-Apple-SoldTo: " & $soldToCode; "X-Apple-ShipTo: " & $shipToCode;  "X-Operator-User-ID: " & $userIDCode; "Accept-Language: en_US"; "Content-Type: application/json"; "Accept: application/json") ] 

# For POST, you can add JSON here

If [ Length ( $JSON ) > 0 ] 

Set Variable [ $r ; Value: MBS("CURL.SetOptionPostFields"; $curl; $JSON; "UTF-8") ] 

End If

# Run Transfer

Set Variable [ $r ; Value: MBS("CURL.Perform"; $curl) ] 

# Check results.

Set Variable [ $httpResponse ; Value: MBS( "CURL.GetResponseCode"; $curl ) ] 

Set Variable [ $result ; Value: MBS("CURL.GetResultAsText"; $curl; "UTF8") ] 

Set Variable [ $debug ; Value: MBS("CURL.GetDebugAsText"; $curl; "UTF8") ] 

If [ $r = "OK" and $httpResponse = 200 ] 

# OK


# Handle error

End If

Set Variable [ $r ; Value: MBS("CURL.Cleanup"; $curl) ] 


The script is quite universal as it can be used with different URLs to do various operations. When you pass some JSON, the request becomes a POST request and the JSON is sent. The JSON can be copied from Apple's website and a lot of requests work very nice via MBS Plugin. For example a request with URL "diagnostics/suites?deviceId=" followed by the Device ID (e.g. iPhone's serial number), can query the available diagnostics suites.

We hope you have no problems to implement GSX REST Service into your solution with this help. 

FileMaker Stammtisch SaarLorLux

Im Saarland trifft sich der FileMaker Stammtisch SaarLorLux:

Der FileMaker-Stammtisch findet nächste Woche am Mittwoch, den 11.09.2019, ab 18 Uhr wie gewohnt im Schulungsraum bei ÖkoFEN in Überherrn statt.

• Neues in FileMaker Version 18
• Terminplanung Beispiele: Termine erstellen aus abstrakten Terminvorgaben, Bsp. Terminkalender Arztpraxis, Bsp. ToDos Steuerberatungskanzlei

siehe meetup.com/de-DE/FileMaker-Stammtisch-SaarLorLux/

Falls sonst noch Bedarf an Schulung, vor Ort Entwicklung oder FileMaker/Xojo Hilfe besteht, bitte wegen Terminfindung bald bei uns melden.

PS: Für die MBS Plugin Schulungen bei der Denkform und in Hamburg gibt es noch freie Plätze.

Sechs Wochen bis zur FileMaker Konferenz 2019 in Hamburg

Vom 16. bis 19. Oktober 2019 findet die zehnte deutschsprachige FileMaker Konferenz in Hamburg, Deutschland statt. FileMaker Anwender und Entwickler sind herzlich eingeladen sich anzumelden.

Anmeldungen für Konferenz und MBS Schulung sind noch möglich!

Die Veranstalter vom Verein FM Konferenz erwarten auch 2019 rund 180 Entwickler, Anwender, IT-Fachleute und Entscheidungsträger aus Wirtschaft, Bildung und Verwaltung. Rund um über 25 Fachvorträge und Workshops wird es viel Zeit zum Vernetzen in den gemeinsamen Pausen und beim Abendprogramm geben.

Dieses Jahr gibt es wieder eine MBS Plugin Workshop, diesmal am 16. Oktober 2019 von ca. 9 bis 17 Uhr.
Anmeldung bei Monkeybread Software.

Xojo Developer Magazine 17.5 Issue

The September/October (17.5) issue of xDev Magazine is now available. Here's a quick preview of what's inside:

Numbers Please! Part 4 by Markus Winter
What is a number? And just how do you tell a program to detect a number? It's much more complicated than you'd think -- hope you like Regex formulas!

What's New in the MBS Plugins by Stefanie Juchmes
Based on Christian's talk at the Miami Xojo Conference, Stefanie covers many new aspects of the Monkeybread Plugins you might have missed.

Maps (Part 1) by Markus Winter
Would you like to include maps in your application? Be careful, as what used to be free now costs a fortune. Markus sets the stage for saving money by switching to Apple Maps.

Your First Web App -- Part 2 by Paul Budd
Paul continues to build his Web app, this time incorporating the functionality of adding records, searching, and using SQL prepared statements.

PLUS: Shared properties, power user features, standard operating procedures, Best of the Web, and more!

FileMaker Runtimes and hardened MacOS runtime

For Mac applications, there are two runtime modes they can use. The older one left for compatibility to older applications and the newer with enhanced security features. The hardened runtime checks code signatures and kills the application if unsigned code is detected. This makes hacking the application more difficult and provides better security.

The hardened runtime is required to notarize the application, which itself is required for application distribution to the upcoming MacOS 10.15 Catalina release to avoid annoying gate keeper dialogs. Some of those show already in MacOS 10.14.6, so we notarize our plugin downloads already.

See also Hardened Runtime Entitlements, Code Signing Services and Notarizing Your App Before Distribution on Apple website. (more)

Currency Data Type

Xojo features a data type called currency. It is used for storing currency values and uses internally a 64bit value. As 4 digits are reserved for right of the dot, the 1.0 value is stored internally as 10000. When converting between double and integer, values are divided/multiplied by 10000.

There is a problem:
Double values are only precise for 15 digits, so having a big value like 123456789012345.1234 in a currency will not work correctly, as this can't be stored in a double. You get 123456789012345.1136. There are rounding issues.

But some of use need to work with huge numbers and functions like val() internally use double, so there are rounding issues with parsing.

For next plugin we'll add a function CurrencyValueMBS to fix that. Our CurrencyValueMBS function will return currency values parsed up to "+922337203685477.5807" just fine. If value is out of range, we raise an exception, so you can track down errors.

12 years of MBS Xojo DynaPDF Plugin

About 12 years ago we started the development of our DynaPDF Plugin.

After a year of development, the plugin was released to the public on 1st Sep 2007 with MBS Plugin 7.6pr1.

This plugin has been a big success for us and provides the PDF engine to thousands of Xojo applications around the world. Based on user feedback we got a lot of functions over the years like the raster engine, PDF/A conversion and ZUGFeRD support.

Please make sure you try the plugin, make it part of your toolbox and start to enjoy all the PDF features you can add to your application.

Barcodes supported by MBS Plugins

MBS Plugin supports generating over 80 barcode types, so we made a new graphics to show a few common barcodes:

Wether you need to make UPC or EAN in various versions, QR Code in normal or micro size, we cover them all.

Available with Barcode functions in our MBS FileMaker Plugin and in BarcodeGeneratorMBS class in our MBS Xojo Barcode Plugin.


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