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FileMaker Conferences in 2025

We'd love to meet you at one of the various FileMaker conferences. Let us show you:

The next conference is Claris Engage in two months, the official one from Claris themselves. Stefanie and I are signed up and will be there. If you have questions about the MBS Plugin, please stop us in the hallways and chat with us. We skip the booth this year as we like to enjoy the sessions ourselves and prefer to wander around instead of sitting on the 5th floor. If you like to join, there are still a few tickets available for the early bird pricing.

The CodeWave conference for 2025 in Valencia is a great place to meet people from Spain. I visited this conference last year and it is great to talk to the Spanish people there. Some sessions are in English, but most are in Spanish. If you go there, don't forget to both do a trip to downtown to see the historic buildings as well as to take a bus or subway to the nearby beaches.

The French speaking community organizes the RENDEZ-VOUS::FM[2025] conference and this year they are going to Reims. Much closer to Germany, but it looks like a train would always go through Paris. I signed up for a ticket already and would like to meet the French community once again.

Since Alexis Allen toured a lot of conference in 2024, she decided to make one in her home town of Toronto. The Elevate FM conference just finished their call for speakers and we look forward to more details.

In Vienna the team from 72solutions is further with their planning for Vienna Calling. Already 67 people signed up for this community driven un-conference and the schedule starts to fill. Maybe there we can again have a few functions added to MBS Plugin while the conference runs to help with a challenge in a FileMaker solution.

The BuildGrowLearn conference in Greenville (South Carolina) is in September and you can already buy tickets. We await the schedule.

You can get tickets for FileMaker Konferenz in Hamburg, Germany. Stefanie will join me and we plan to present something. Let us know if you have a suggestion for a topic. I probably do a MBS Plugin news update and maybe we have a booth.

The Australian community meets again and this time it is Melbourne. Please join the Reconnect.Melbourne conference if you are in the area. I had the chance to visit the one in Brisbane last year with over 100 attendees and it was fantastic.

Reconnect.Melbourne English 16th to 17th October 2025 Melbourne, Australia reconnect.fm
FileMaker Konferenz German 15th to 17th September 2025 Hamburg, Germany filemaker-konferenz.com
Build Grow Learn English 8th to 10th September 2025 Greenville, USA buildgrowlearn.com
Vienna Calling English 4th to 7th June 2025 Vienna, Austria viennacalling.eu
Elevate FM English 26th to 27th May 2025 Toronto, Canada elevatefm.ca
Rendez-vous::FM[2025] French 15th to 17th May 2025 Reimes, France rendez-vous-fm.fr
CodeWave Spanish 25th to 26th April 2025 Valencia, Spain codewave.es
Claris Engage USA English 25th to 27th March 2025 Austin, Texas claris.com

Finally there is probably another EngageU in Europe in November, maybe back in Antwerpen like two years ago. And PauseOnError may once again happen in the mountains near Clayton in Georgia, USA.

What other conferences do you know about?

Claris FileMaker Plugin
25 01 25 - 06:35