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Our statistics for FileMaker

Recently I remarked on a meet-up that the majority of FileMaker Servers uses Linux nowadays as far as I know. In August 2023 Linux overtook Windows, then in July 2024 the Linux share crossed to over 50%. The share for Linux increased by 25 points from 42 to 67% from January 2024 to 2025, all within one year!

If we continue with that adoption, I'd expect Linux to be over 90% end of 2025 and Claris can retired the MacOS and Windows servers in 2026. You all vote withy your wallet, so no complains please. Of course this assumes that Claris sees similar statistics.

Here is a graphics for the OS share:

The versions are also of interest. For me to know what FileMaker versions to support. Since 19.6 got end-of-live mark in December, it may not be wise to keep older servers running. Servers with 19.6 and older are down to 17% so far. About 55% use 20.x and 28% are on 21.x so far.

Here is the version overview and you see the pattern when versions are introduced and phase out:

I hope these graphics help you and your server uses 20.x/21.x versions. Claris FileMaker Plugin
05 01 25 - 14:56