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MBS Xojo Plugins, version 24.6pr4

New in this prerelease of the 24.6 plugins:
  • Added more NULL checks for DevicePairingRequestedEventArgsMBS, WindowsDeviceInformationMBS, WindowsDeviceInformationPairingMBS, WindowsBluetoothLEDeviceMBS, WindowsGattDeviceServiceMBS and WindowsGattSessionMBS classes.
  • Updated curl library to version 8.11.1.
  • Removed kError_FUNCTION_NOT_FOUND and kError_HTTP_POST_ERROR constants for CURLSMBS class since they are obsolete.
  • Added new constant names for CURL classes: kError_WEIRD_SERVER_REPLY, kError_UNKNOWN_OPTION, kError_SETOPT_OPTION_SYNTAX
  • Deprecated old constant names for CURL classes: kError_FTP_WEIRD_SERVER_REPLY, kError_UNKNOWN_TELNET_OPTION, kError_TELNET_OPTION_SYNTAX, kError_SSL_CACERT, kError_LDAP_INVALID_URL, kError_CONV_REQD.
  • Added GetInfoEarlyDataSent method for CURLSMBS class.
  • Added kSSLOptionEarlyData constant for CURLSMBS class.
  • Updated expat library to version 2.6.4.
  • Updated mongo-c-driver library to version 1.29.1.
Download: monkeybreadsoftware.de/xojo/download/plugin/Prerelease/.
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13 12 24 - 09:44