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xDev Magazine 22.6

The November/December (22.6) issue of xDev Magazine is now available. Here's a quick preview of what's inside:

Beware of Intelligence by Marc Zeedar
So-called "artificial intelligence" is nothing new, and previous uses of "AI" have issues. The rush to incorporate "AI" into everything is dangerous, however, and poses some serious questions about how we design software.

Ambient & Infrared Temperature Sensor by Eugene Dakin
Eugene shows how to use your Raspberry Pi to detect the ambient temperature. This is useful for temperature monitor devices and many other practical tasks.

Testing Preemptive Threading by Marc Zeedar
After decades of only offering "cooperative" threading, Xojo has finally added support for "preemptive" threads. These are bits of code that run indepent of the rest of your code, on their CPU core, finally bringing true multitasking to Xojo apps.

Developing Mobile Apps by Tim Dietrich
Tim launches a new series on the business of Xojo! He begins by addressing how to write a mobile app development proposal. What should you include? What should you leave out?

Plus: Topics such as how to use ChatGPT to correct your grammar, embedding a vCard into a QR code, retro gaming with Xojo, an interview with Alyssa Foley, and more!
01 11 24 - 20:11