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xDev Magazine 22.4

The July/August (22.4) issue of xDev Magazine is now available. Here's a quick preview of what's inside:

Apple Intelligence by Marc Zeedar
At Apple's developer conference (WWDC) this June, the company announced their ambitious move into AI -- which they call Apple Intelligence. What is it and how will it effect Xojo developers?

A Household Light Controller (Rasp Pi Part 8) by Eugene Dakin
Eugene continues his series on fun projects with Xojo and Raspberry Pi, this time demonstrating how to use your Pi to control your household lights!

Spy On Your Variables by Marc Zeedar
Marc's design pattern series continues with the Observer pattern, which gives you a way to spy on your variables and take action when their value changes.

Comments on Comments by Tim Dietrich
Tim shares his thoughts on commenting code.

Plus: Topics such as how to use ChatGPT to correct your grammar, Mac text recognition, Xojo multitasking, an interview with Marc Zeedar, and more! The biggest plugin in space...
01 07 24 - 21:00