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Let's meet at a FileMaker conference!

There are six conferences left for FileMaker this year and still time for you to sign-up to one and enjoy meeting your fellow developers. Meet Claris staff and us to ask your questions, bring ideas and show what you do with FileMaker.


5th to 6th September 2024 in Brisbane, Australia

With over 150 attendees this is the biggest conference for FileMaker in Australia and the whole southern Asian area. Meet Claris staff including Clay Maeckel (Software Architect) and (VP Global Sales) to calc about what's under hood and whatever sales and licensing questions you have. Your chance to visit Australia and meet the locals!

MBS is sponsor with Christian doing a presentation.

More details on the website: reconnect.fm

FMCat 2024

27th September 2024 in Barcelona, Spain

A smaller conference for Spanish speaking developers right in Barcelona.

MBS is a sponsor here.

More details on the website: fmsuit.com

FileMaker Konferenz

1st to 4th October 2024 in Malbun, Liechtenstein

Up in the mountains of Liechtenstein in a nice village you can meet your fellow developers for chatting about FileMaker. Great views and lots of chances to go hiking together. While the conference language is German, there will be a few non-German speaking attendees, too. If visiting Liechtenstein is on your bucket list, take the chance and join the conference!

Either get a car and just drive there. Or fly to Zurich airport, take a train to Saran's, then the bus to Vaduz and change there to the bus up to Malbun. 

MBS is sponsor with Christian and Stefanie both doing presentations. And we organize a pre-conference hiking tour for the 1st October. Let's hope for good weather.

More details on the website: filemaker-konferenz.com

Rome FileMaker Week

7th to 13th October 2024 in Roma, Italia

Like to visit Rome? Please join this conference with 100+ attendees. This is an English conference with simultaneous Italian translation, so everyone can pick a language for their head phones or listen to the speakers directly. Perfect for both Italian and English speaking attendees to enjoy all presentations. This conference lets you meet both Claris and Winsoft staff. Winsoft is the company providing the Eastern Europe localizations for FileMaker.

You have the chance to join two sight seeing days before the conference to visit some historic places with your fellow FileMaker developers.

MBS is sponsor with Christian doing a presentation.

More details on the website: romefilemakerweek.com

Pause on Error

8th to 11th October 2024 in Clayton, USA

While this is labeled summer camp, it is more in the autumn and while you can camp or get a log cabin, they also have hotel rooms available. A big un-conference with lots of great meeting rooms like a tree house. Up in the mountains for Georgia, so better get a rental car, drive there and don't forget to stop by a few state parks on the way!

More details on the website: pausewithus.com


17th to 19th November 2024 in Malmö, Sweden

This is a huge English speaking conference in Europe with over 200 attendees including staff from Claris. Your chance to meet Brad Freitag (CEO), Wesley Powell (Director of Software Engineering), Douglas Wallis (Product Manager) and David Loeb (EMEA Partner Manager) without visiting the USA.

MBS is sponsor with Christian and Stefanie joining the conference and Christian doing a presentation.

More details on the website: engageu.eu

We hope to meet you at a conference soon!

Claris FileMaker Plugin
29 06 24 - 10:11