MBS FileMaker Plugin, version 14.3pr5

- Changed ListDialog.SetShowCheckboxes to allow flag 4 to have checkboxes with only one checkbox checked at maximum.
- Improved UNNotification functions to work better in FileMaker 21, so both ways can be used together.
- Improved JSON.Import to report SQL statements in the error list for JSON.Import.Errors alongside the error messages.
- Improved XML.Import to report SQL statements in the error list for XML.Import.Errors alongside the error messages.
- Fixed a bug in IBAN.Format function.
- Fixed Archive.AddText function to allow relative paths in file name parameter.
- Added Plugin.SetLicenseKeyHidden and Plugin.IsLicenseKeyHidden functions.
- Added SystemInfo.isSequoia function.
- Reimplemented JSON.IsValid using newer JSON functions internally, so it catches more errors.
- Deprecated SystemInfo.isElCapitan, SystemInfo.isMavericks, SystemInfo.isSierra and SystemInfo.isYosemite functions.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Added kstSearchAsIs flag for DynaPDFParserMBS class.
- Changed StoreKit.FinishTransaction to allow passing of index in additional of transaction Identifier.
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