MBS Xojo Plugins, version 24.3pr3

- Added CanonicalXML function to XMLValidatorMBS class.
- Improved error messages for exceptions raised in OpenSSLMBS module to contain more details.
- Added quotationEndDelimiter, quotationBeginDelimiter, alternateQuotationBeginDelimiter, alternateQuotationEndDelimiter to NSLocaleMBS class.
- Added calendarIdentifier, localeIdentifier, languageIdentifier, collatorIdentifier, regionCode to NSLocaleMBS class.
- Added NSCurrentLocaleDidChangeNotification function for NSLocaleMBS class to use with NSNotificationObserverMBS class.
- Added localizedStringForVariantCode, localizedStringForScriptCode, localizedStringForLocaleIdentifier, localizedStringForLanguageCode, localizedStringForCurrencyCode, localizedStringForCountryCode, localizedStringForCollatorIdentifier, localizedStringForCollationIdentifier, localizedStringForCalendarIdentifier, localeWithLocaleIdentifier to NSLocaleMBS class.
- Added PythonHome, ProgramName, ProgramFullPath, Prefix, Path and ExecPrefix properties to PythonMBS class.
- Changed CURL debug messages to include the full URL you requested for review. We include a warning, if URL has no scheme.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Added kKeepUnsupportedAnnots constant for DynaPDFMBS class.
- Added SetLineAnnotPoints and EnableImageCache functions to DynaPDFMBS class.
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