MBS Xojo Plugins, version 24.3pr2

- Enabled Python plugin to work on iOS.
- Improved exception handling for Python.
- Improved JSONMBS class conversion from variant to convert folderitem to native path, Date & Datetime to SQLDateTime or from JSONItem objects.
- Fixed an issue with using ConnectServer function in WindowsWMIMBS class in a thread.
- Fixed a crash in SubStrings function in PCRE2MatchDataMBS class.
- Added DarwinHostVMStatisticsMBS class with memory statistics for macOS and iOS.
- Improved error handling for CURLSMultiMBS class constructor.
- Added MQTT example using CURL.
- Added OutputUsedSize and OutputPtr properties and a new Constructor to BZip2CompressMBS, ZLibDecompressMBS, BZip2DecompressMBS and ZLibDecompressMBS classes.
- Fixed SortMBS module to work on Xojo 2019r1.
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