MBS Xojo Plugins, version 24.3pr1

- Added Python plugin with PythonMBS class.
- Fixed a problem with XLBookMBS when using conditional formatting.
- Updated plugin SDK for Xojo 2024r2.
- Fixed problem with JSON returning negative floating point numbers without leading 0.
- Updated to Xcode 15.4.
- Updated SQLAPI to version 5.3.2.
- Removed deprecation attribute for FFTSingleMBS and FFTDoubleMBS functions.
- Fixed the ReplaceTag function in WordFileMBS, which broke in 14.2.
- Fixed number passing for XojoDOMXPathExpressionMBS class.
- Updated SQLite to version 3.46.0.
- Updated our ICU integration for SQLite to the new SQLite version.
- Changed HotkeyMBS class for Windows to react on right shift/control/option keys, too.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Updated curl to version 8.8.0
- Added SetInput method taking ptr to ZLibDecompressMBS, ZLibCompressMBS, BZip2DecompressMBS and BZip2CompressMBS functions.
- Added title property to VNDocumentCameraViewControllerMBS class.
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