MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 24.2

We upgraded our JSONMBS class with the Merge method to merge two JSON blocks or arrays. This allows to easily merge two arrays of JSON data for example.
The XL Plugin can now create conditional formatting in code. Use the XAddConditionalFormat function to define the format to apply and use AddConditionalFormatting to define the rules to use. This could be a simple comparison or include a calculation in Excel to determinate whether the formatting should be applied. The new LibXL version can better handle SVG, so we updated our GetPicture function.
When you build your iOS app, then you can enjoy our new printing class for iOS: UIPrintPaperMBS, UIPrintInteractionControllerMBS, UIPrintInfoMBS, UIPrinterPickerControllerMBS and UIPrinterMBS. Use UIPrinterPickerControllerMBS class to pick a printer and then use UIPrintInteractionControllerMBS class to print with or without dialog. A point of sale application can print receipts without a dialog to the right printer selected by code.
Our MongoDB classes got improved with new functions to execute custom commands with Command functions in MongoClientMBS and MongoDatabaseMBS classes. If you expect a result, please use CommandQuery function instead and loop over the returned documents. You can set the app name in the MongoURIMBS class to be reported to the server on connecting and query the credentials used.
Our CURLSMBS class can now pick the SSL backend. By default we use OpenSSL, but you can switch to SecureTransport on macOS or SecureChannel on Windows using SetSSLBackend method in CURLSSSLBackendMBS class, if you prefer the local SSL engines. We include the newer Apple IDN implementation for CURL, which we contributed to the project recently.
For iOS we have MFMailComposeViewControllerMBS and MFMessageComposeViewControllerMBS classes, so the user can get a dialog to compose either an email or a text message. You can pre-populate the dialog with text, subject and attachments. The user then modifies and sends the message.
The NSPathControlItemMBS class allows to customize entries for the NSPathControlMBS control, the WindowsDisplayMBS class got new logical size properties and you use the Flatten method in GMImageMBS class to remove the alpha channel of an image.
You can create thumbnails asynchronously on macOS using the QLThumbnailGeneratorMBS class, the NWPathMonitorMBS class got a current property for the current path, use the isFlipped event in the NSViewControlMBS control to define whether coordinate system is vertically mirrored and we got new array utility functions.
Finally we updated CURL to version 8.7.1, DynaPDF to, LibXL to 4.3.0, SQLAPI to 5.3.1, SQLite to 3.45.3 and Xcode to version 15.3.
See release notes for a complete list of changes.