MBS Xojo Plugins, version 24.2pr4

- Improved effectiveAppearance and appearance methods in NSAppearanceMBS class to allow passing NSMenuMBS, NSMenuItemMBS, MenuItem or DesktopMenuItem objects.
- Built curl with our Apple IDN implementation for CURL. see commit.
- Fixed issue with text incorrectly placed with DynaPDFMBS class using graphics object when using rotation.
- Fixed a possible buffer overrun in WindowsPlayerMBS class.
- Improved thread safety for SQLConnectionMBS class.
- Improved thread safety for DynaPDFMBS class with graphics class.
- Improved thread safety for JSContextMBS class.
- Added AddArrayMBS methods to SortMBS module.
- Added AddMBS, CopyMBS, EqualsMBS, SortMBS and SumMBS extends methods to arrays.
- Changed plugin download to have local html documentation be a separate download.
- Fixed possible crash in WebView2ControlMBS control in initialization code (broken in 24.1).
- Fixed problem passing limit and offset in GetRecords functions in FMDataMBS class.
- Added popover show/close events to PHPickerViewControllerMBS class for macOS.
- Added view appears/disappears events to PHPickerViewControllerMBS class for iOS and macOS.
- Improved progress reporting for CURLSMBS class.
- Added QLThumbnailGenerationRequestMBS, QLThumbnailGeneratorMBS and QLThumbnailRepresentationMBS classes.
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