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MBS Xojo Plugins, version 23.6pr5

New in this prerelease of the 23.6 plugins:
  • Updated to Xcode 15.1.
  • Fixed issue with RowSet iterator to not skip first row.
  • Fixed an issue with MoveFirst in our SQL cursor.
  • Updated Visual Studio to version 2022.
  • Disabled old tesseract 3 for Windows ARM 64-bit as that doesn't compile currently.
  • Updated Google AdMob SDK to version 10.14. You may need to adjust your project.
  • Removed tagForUnderAgeOfConsent and tagForChildDirectedTreatment methods in GADRequestConfigurationMBS class.
  • Added tagForUnderAgeOfConsent and tagForChildDirectedTreatment properties for GADRequestConfigurationMBS class.
  • Added new classes for consent dialog: UMPRequestParametersMBS, UMPDebugSettingsMBS, UMPConsentInformationMBS and UMPConsentFormMBS.
  • Added new loadWithAdUnitID method to GADAppOpenAdMBS class.
  • Added automatic rerun of SQL SELECT if you call MoveFirst on a RowSet/RecordSet, which doesn't support moving because it is not cached or scrollable.
  • Added checks for SQL Plugin in multiple places to avoid crashes if SQL command text is empty.
Download: monkeybreadsoftware.de/xojo/download/plugin/Prerelease/ or from DropBox.
Or ask us to be added to our shared DropBox folder. The biggest plugin in space...
28 12 23 - 09:53