Search scripts in FileMaker for Windows
As you may know, we have search functions for FileMaker, built into our MBS FileMaker Plugin for a few years and they work great on macOS. But clients using Windows asked for a similar thing.
We got some search functions for Windows to show you today: With our new Search Script example file you can use a hotkey to start the search. Once you press the hotkey, we copy the script steps and put them into our search window so you can perform a search there.

You may keep the search database open in your FileMaker environment, e.g. on the side of the screen. When our Search Scripts file opens, it registers the hotkey and unregisters it when closing. Once you are in a script, set focus to script lines by clicking on one. Now at any time, you can press F8 key.
Technically we combine our HotKey functions to trigger a calculation, the Clipboard functions to get the XML of the script steps with the XML functions to process there. Otherwise this is a normal FileMaker database showing a table with records and gives you a search field.
Feel free to adjust the example and send us your feedback. We already updated the file, so it can be used on macOS, too. Basically on Windows we need to do Control-A and Control-C, while on macOS we run menu commands.

Please try. The download is included with 13.5pr4 or newer: Download Prerelease.