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Upcoming changes for 2024 in MBS Plugins

For 2024, we plan to change a few things and we let you know here:

Claris Product line goes away
The use of MBS Plugin in Claris Pro/Server has been deprecated in September and will be removed for 14.x releases. We concentrate on FileMaker Pro/Server in the future. Customers still using the Claris product line should let us know.

Number of releases
Currently we do a release every two months. There may be the chance to optimize this and maybe do just 5 instead of 6 releases a year. For example the release in July always gets less feedback as clients are going to vacation. If we don't need to have something new to show for a summer conference, we may skip this. And the September release is often a smaller update because our team is regularly on vacation in August.

Vertical Products for ProDeveloper licenses
We plan to ask people with a ProDeveloper licenses which vertical solution they use the plugin in, so we can know which developer to contact if their clients contact us directly. Currently we have no real overview and need to search manually the web or our emails.

Discount expiration
Some of the multi server price discounts we started for MBS FileMaker Plugin in July 2022 will expire. If you need a server license, feel free to buy it in the old year. Especially you can enjoy our multi year discounts if you extend for up to 5 years in the future. Please contact us if you like to add a server license or renew for multiple years.

32-bit Windows
For Windows we consider to drop the 32-bit plugin version for Windows. Please let us know if you still need it for FileMaker 18 or older. Also we wonder how many people need a new plugin for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2012 for FileMaker.

32-bit Linux on Intel
For Linux we consider to drop the 32-bit plugin version for Linux on Intel. Please let us know if you still need it for something in Xojo. Also we wonder how many people need a new plugin for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2012 for Xojo.

Old Tesseract Version
The old version of the tesseract engine built-in to the plugin will go away eventually. You will need to load current version 5.3 from a folder. This way we can reduce the size of the plugin by a few megabytes.

Old Xojo Kits
We stopped selling BugReporterKit and UpdaterKit for Xojo this year and just included it in examples folder.

Xojo Plugin Survey
And since we don't know what plugin parts people use in Xojo, we may do a survey to ask clients on what they are using. This may be a Xojo project to scan all your built apps for what plugins they use. We'll see.

We wish everyone a happy new year 2024! Claris FileMaker Plugin
15 12 23 - 12:54