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Use DynaPDF to create PDF documents with PDF/A-4 version

PDF/A is a specific subset of the PDF (Portable Document Format) file format that is designed for long-term preservation and archiving of electronic documents. It is intended to ensure that digital documents can be reliably preserved and accurately reproduced over time, even as technology and software evolve. PDF/A achieves this by imposing certain restrictions and guidelines on the content and features of a PDF document. Here are some key characteristics of PDF/A:
  • Self-Containment: A PDF/A document should be self-contained, meaning that all the elements required for rendering the document, such as fonts and images, must be embedded within the file. This eliminates the risk of dependencies on external resources that may become unavailable in the future.
  • Device Independence: PDF/A files are designed to be device-independent. This means that they should be viewable and printable consistently on different devices and software applications without any significant loss of fidelity.
  • Preservation of Content: PDF/A focuses on preserving the visual content, structure, and layout of a document. This ensures that the document's appearance and readability remain consistent over time.
  • Metadata: PDF/A requires the inclusion of standardized metadata to describe the document's properties and its context, making it easier to search, retrieve, and understand the content.
  • No Encryption or Password Protection: PDF/A documents should not be encrypted or password-protected to ensure long-term accessibility.
  • No JavaScript: PDF/A does not allow the use of JavaScript or other executable code, which can pose security risks or become obsolete.
  • No Embedded Audio or Video: Multimedia elements such as embedded audio or video are not typically allowed in PDF/A, as they can complicate preservation and access.
PDF/A comes in different versions, each with varying levels of features and restrictions. The most common PDF/A versions are PDF/A-1, PDF/A-2, PDF/A-3 and PDF/A-4, each building on the previous version while adding new capabilities. PDF/A-2 and PDF/A-3, for example, allow the embedding of files and support for digital signatures.

Organizations and institutions that deal with long-term document preservation, such as archives, libraries, and government agencies, often use PDF/A to ensure the integrity and accessibility of their digital records. It is essential to follow the specific requirements of the chosen PDF/A version to create compliant documents for long-term archiving.

With DynaPDF we have two ways to create a PDF/A document. First you can create a new PDF in memory from new content without importing existing PDF. Then you only add what is allowed for the PDF/A format you target and you set the version with SetPDFVersion. Alternative get DynaPDF Pro + PDF/A converter licensers and load an existing PDF to convert it with CheckConformance. That function will check for compliance and if the PDF/A converter is licensed also convert the PDF to make it compliant. If you don't license the PDF/A converter, you can still check for compliance and adjust your code on producing the PDF.

Please download our plugins and try the examples. You find more details about PDF/A in the DynaPDF manual. We have plenty to try out for you and please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions.
05 11 23 - 09:19