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xDev Magazine 21.5 Issue

The September/October (21.5) issue of xDev Magazine is now available. Here's a quick preview of what's inside:

Long Memories by Marc Zeedar
Bad bugs can stick in the memories of your users for a long, long time. No matter how much you test, bugs can still slip through, however, so Marc has some ideas on how to minimize their impact and create a more positive experience.

Syncing Dropbox by Marc Zeedar
Dropbox suddenly decided to stop syncing on Marc's old Mac, ruining a crucial part of his workflow. Naturally, he turned to Xojo to create his own crazy workaround.

Rasp Pi Electronic Fun Part 3 by Eugene Dakin
I2C electronics communication is a popular standard that allows many that many controllers, sensors, and remotes connect to a Raspberry Pi board. In this issue's project, Eugene shows how to set up a MPL3115A2 barometric sensor.

Creating a Photomosaic by Marc Zeedar
Have you ever seen a photo that is made up of thousands of tiny pictures? That's a photomosaic, where photos replace the pixels in the larger image. For some reason Marc thought that would be easy to make in Xojo.

Plus: Topics such as Xojo 2023R2, charting, Windows PDFs, database joins and views, and more! The biggest plugin in space...
02 09 23 - 08:52