Load PDF from MS SQL Server and display it
We got this sample code for a client combining an example for MS SQL Server with SQLDatabaseMBS class and some sample code for rendering a picture via DynaPDFMBS class from PDF data. Please note that we use ImportPDFPage to only import the page we like to render.
Dim con As New SQLDatabaseMBS
// we used Microsoft SQL Server via ODBC data source and run app on Windows to test this
con.Option("UseAPI") = "ODBC"
con.DatabaseName = "ODBC:test"
con.RaiseExceptions = True // if you like to get exceptions instead of checking error property
con.Scrollable = False // disabling scrolling cursors is much faster for Microsoft SQL Server...
// go to database test
con.SQLExecute "use test"
// select PDFData from test table via some ID
Dim p As SQLPreparedStatementMBS = con.prepare("SELECT PDFData FROM dbo.test WHERE ID=:ID")
p.Bind("ID", 12345)
Dim r As RecordSet = p.SQLSelect
If r.EOF Then
MessageBox "Not found"
Dim data As String = r.Field("PDFData").StringValue
Dim pdf As New DynaPDFMBS
// For this example you can use a Pro or Enterprise License
pdf.SetLicenseKey "Pro"
// create in memory
Call pdf.CreateNewPDF Nil
// set import flags
Call pdf.SetImportFlags pdf.kifImportAsPage + pdf.kifImportAll
// open the PDF file
Call pdf.OpenImportBuffer(data)
// import page to render
Call pdf.ImportPDFPage(1)
// and render first page
Dim out As Picture = pdf.RenderPagePicture(1)
// display in window
window1.Canvas1.Backdrop = out
End If
catch r as SQLErrorExceptionMBS
// show error message
MsgBox r.message
end try