MBS Xojo Plugins, version 23.1pr2

- Fixed a crash in ToHTML method in JSONMBS class.
- Added Command and Aggregate methods to MongoCollectionMBS class.
- Added Aggregate method to MongoDatabaseMBS class.
- Updated LibXL to version 4.1.
- Added IsWriteProtected method to XLBookMBS class.
- Added TabColor, DefaultRowHeight and GetTabRgbColor method to XLSheetMBS class.
- Added AddSelectionRange, GetActiveCell, GetTabRgbColor, RemoveSelection, SelectionRange and SetActiveCell to XLSheetMBS class.
- Improved CallDelegateCrashSafeMBS to check for stack corruption and prevent recursion.
- Improved CallDelegateCrashSafeMBS to catch trace trap signals and C++ exceptions.
- Updated tiff library to version 4.5.0.
- Improved WindowsOCREngineMBS class.
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