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Writing for xDev Magazine

The Xojo Developer Magazine publishes articles around Xojo for over 20 years now. It provides a platform for Xojo developers to share articles in a nice way.

The xDev Magazine couldn't exist without writers! They are always on the lookout for programmers with unique projects, interesting techniques, and innovative ideas.

If you're interesting in writing for xDev Magazine, please read the Writer's Guidelines for the details on submitting your proposal.

I am regularly impressed what nice article Marc creates out of my writings and a few pictures. And instead of hiding an article somewhere in the internet on a blog or forum page, they get nicely formatted, published and thus archived.

If you have something to share with the community, please contact Marc Zeedar and send in your proposals. Often we dig into a topic for a project and then later write a few interesting facts into an article to remember them later.

We keep an archive of our articles here.

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11 01 23 - 10:55