MBS FileMaker Plugin, version 13.0pr6
- Added CURL.GetHeaders to replace deprecated CURL.GetHeaderAsText.
- Added CURL.GetDebugMessages to replace deprecated CURL.GetDebugAsText, but old name will stay around for a long time.
- Changed Files.DeleteFolder for Linux to do recursive deletion.
- Changed DynaPDF.Initialize function to return an error, if the license key contains invalid characters on the beginning.
- Fixed a problem with SQL.InsertOrUpdateRecords not finding the primary key field.
- Added fontname and fontsize as keys for the XML for Menu.DefineQuickMenuXML function.
- Added recursive parameter to Menu.FindItemWithTag and Menu.FindItemWithTitle functions.
- Removed syntax coloring support for FileMaker 13 and older since our plugin doesn't run there any more (since we moved to 64-bit only).
- Deprecated SyntaxColoring.LineNumbers.Disable, SyntaxColoring.LineNumbers.Enable, SyntaxColoring.LineNumbers.Enabled, SyntaxColoring.LineNumbers.GetColor and SyntaxColoring.LineNumbers.SetColor functions.
- Added checkbox to preferences dialog to control the option-click feature in Script Workspace.
- Added checkbox to preferences dialog to control the syntax highlighting for formulas independent of scripts.
- Added checkbox to preferences dialog for code folding.
- Changed font popup in preferences dialog to list monospace fonts first.
- Added checkbox to preferences dialog for export dialog tooltips.
- Added SyntaxColoring.GetExportTooltipsEnabled and SyntaxColoring.SetExportTooltipsEnabled functions.
- Deprecated FM.GetDictionary and FM.GetDictionaryList functions.