MBS Xojo Plugins, version 22.6pr3

- Added WebSocket functions for CURL Plugin.
- Added AccessoryViewDisclosed property to NSOpenPanelMBS class.
- Added showsTagField property to NSSavePanelMBS class.
- Added tagNames and setTagNames methods to NSSavePanelMBS class.
- Fixed a problem with isMonterey and isVentura in SystemInformationMBS class not recognize the version correct if parameter OrHigher is false.
- Added Text property to JSONMBS class.
- Added Day and Month to MBS module for conditional compiling.
- Added CURLSWebSocketFrameMBS class.
- Added WebSocketMeta, WebSocketReceive and WebSocketSend to CURLSMBS class.
- Changed minimum iOS version to version 11.
- Added parameter for SetNextDragImageMBS function to define how many drag items you have. Default is one.
- Changed OptionConnectOnly to integer in CURLSMBS class.
- Changed MimeAttachmentMBS class properties to read only.
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