MBS Xojo Plugins, version 22.6pr1

- Added BitwiseAndMBS, BitwiseOrMBS and BitwiseXOrMBS to MemoryBlock class.
- Added CallDelegateCrashSafeMBS module and method to call crashing method and get an DelegateCrashExceptionMBS.
- Added DCDeviceMBS class.
- Added FromIdAsync shared method to WindowsBluetoothLEDeviceMBS and WindowsGattDeviceServiceMBS classes.
- Added Linux 64-bit ARM plugins.
- Added missing return value for AddIgnoredError function in XLSheetMBS class.
- Added MongoChangeStreamMBS class.
- Added NodeFromHandle function to XMLDocumentMBS class.
- Added PATCH support for SetupAWS function in CURLSMBS class.
- Added Rotation or HAlign to ZintVectorStringMBS class.
- Added Rotation to ZintVectorHexagonMBS class.
- Added shared methods to WindowsGattCharacteristicMBS to return GUIDs for various characteristics.
- Added shared methods to WindowsGattDeviceServiceMBS to return GUIDs for various services.
- Added Tag and Path properties to SerialPortMBS class.
- Added Tag property to ShellMBS class.
- Added threaded parameter to Constructor of TimerMBS and yield property, so you can keep threads running while menus are used on Windows.
- Added WhitespaceHeight, GuardDescent and WarnLevel properties for BarcodeGeneratorMBS class and few more constants.
- Added Width property to ZintVectorCircleMBS class.
- Added WindowsGattSessionMBS class.
- Added XMLDOMParserMBS class.
- Changed EffectiveIcon and LabelColor in NSURLMBS to return variant to reduce dependencies.
- Changed Encryption plugin to not require NSExceptionMBS class.
- Fixed a bug in WindowsGattCharacteristicMBS class for getting UUID.
- Fixed a crash in JSONMBS when parsing invalid JSON code, broken in 22.5pr4 while fixing another bug.
- Fixed a problem in parentNode function in XMLNodeMBS class.
- Fixed a problem with shifting text to left or right in first row of a calculation.
- Fixed bug in Constructor of SSHSessionMBS class with possible buffer overrun copying a string.
- Fixed Login for FMAdminMBS to work again with newer FileMaker servers.
- Fixed OpenAsyncCompleted event for WindowsGattDeviceServiceMBS class.
- Removed CFXMLParser classes.
- Removed DarwinPingMBS class.
- Removed DuckDB plugin.
- Removed ZintRenderMBS classes.
- Updated SQLite to version 3.40.0.
- Updated to Xcode 14.1.
- Updated zint library to version 2.11.1. Barcode text may be bigger.
- Updated zlib to version 1.2.13.
- Updated GraphicsMagick to version 1.3.38.
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