xDev Magazine 20.5
Exploring Steganography, Part 2 by Eugene Dakin
Steganography -- the processing of hiding data inside a picture -- is a fun science with practical applications. In this new series, Eugene explores doing this with Xojo.
Evaluating Equations with XojoScript by Harris Ulery
Harris shows how to pass an equation to a XojoScript which processes the result and passes it back to the main app for displaying.
What's Your Workflow? by Marc Zeedar
Our survey of Xojo developers reveals tips and suggestions for your Xojo workflow.
Calling XojoScript by Marc Zeedar
Marc has always had a love/hate with AppleScript. The concept is great, but the language syntax is maddening. What would be really cool is being able to embed XojoScripts into an AppleScript... and now he's figured out how to do it!
Plus: Topics such as Xojo 2022R2, encrypted PDFs, LibXL, ODBC, and more!
PS: Included in OmegaBundle 2022.