MBS Xojo Plugins, version 22.4pr5

- Added monospacedDigitSystemFontOfSize and monospacedSystemFontOfSize functions to NSFontMBS class.
- Added withOverlays parameter to ShowAllAnnotations method in MKMapViewMBS class.
- Updated CURL to version 7.85.0.
- Removed kError_CONV_FAILED constant in CURLSMBS class.
- Renamed OptionFTPResponseTimeout property to OptionServerResponseTimeout in CURLSMBS class. (old mame stays valid, but deprecated)
- Added zstd support for CURLSMBS class.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Changed WindowsPreviewHandlerMBS to automatically call unload for you in destructor in case you forgot.
- Added kgfDoNotComprMetadata constant for DynaPDFMBS class.
- Added SetRenderingIntent method for DynaPDFMBS class.
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