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Welcome to MBS Plugin

If you are new to our MBS FileMaker Plugin, please take some time to get familiar with the plugin. Our plugin provides a toolbox of useful functionality to extend your Claris FileMaker solution. Take the time to watch two of those videos to learn what is new in the plugin and how to install it:


MBS FileMaker Plugin Update 2022


Installation macOS


Installation Windows

Once you looked into a few code snippets, blog posts or example databases, you may quickly start copying things to your own solutions.

You can download the plugin here: Download FileMaker Plugin

You find documentation: Online Documentation and User Guides

If you like to meet us, please check the Events & Conferences.

You can start without a license and use the plugin in demo mode. Beside an annoying dialog, you can use the plugin for a few hours and then restart FileMaker. If you do more testing, get a trial license key and try it for about six weeks.

If you need to purchase a new license, check the pricing page. In July you can still use our coupon code FileMakerKonferenz to get a little discount on a new license.

20 07 22 - 11:28