MBS FileMaker Plugin, version 12.3pr5

- Updated SQLAPI to version 5.2.0.
- Added MariaDB as option for SQL.SetClient function.
- Added more MongoDB functions: MongoDB.EstimatedDocumentCount, MongoDB.FindDatabases, MongoDB.MaxBSONSize MongoDB.MaxMessageSize, MongoDB.ServerDescription and MongoDB.ServerDescriptions.
- Fixed problem in contextual menu, where wrong shortcut key was displayed.
- Fixed parameter count check for DynaPDF.DeleteAnnotation function.
- Fixed SystemInfo.WindowsMachineInfo to report correctly for Windows on ARM.
- Added ErrorLog function to query JSON of errors from function calls in MBS FileMaker Plugin since last call to ClearErrors function.
- Added AddToErrorLog function to add custom log entries.
- Fixed Container.GetBase64 function to work without error and only container parameter.
- Fixed a bug where debugger would crash if the script is zoomed in.
- Changed MongoDB.Connect to connect right away and not later.
- Fixed a problem where changing font would remove our extra tab stops added for formulas.
- Fixed a possible race condition for CURL.GetResultAsText and similar.
- Implemented recover for mutex handling, so we better handle if a function crashes and avoid timeout exceptions.
- Updated CURL to version 7.84.0.
- Deprecated WebView.ShowDebugBar function.
- Added CURL.GetCAInfo and CURL.GetCAPath functions.