MBS FileMaker Plugin, version 12.2pr5
- Updated Text.FilterASCII, Text.RemoveAccents and Text.RemoveAccentsCaseInsensitive functions to recognize more characters like ½.
- Fixed WebView.SetInternetExplorerVersion and WebView.SetInternetExplorerHiDPI to return OK on success instead of the new setting as documented.
- Added new parameter to replace new lines in the list with replacement text for Matrix.GetColumn, Matrix.GetRow and Matrix.GetText functions.
- Changed XML.NodeNames to return names in order of appearance.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Updated DukTape library for JavaScript functions to version 2.7.
- Added new parameter for JavaScript.New to name the instance.
- Added JavaScript.CallFunction, JavaScript.GetPropertyJSON and JavaScript.SetPropertyJSON functions.
- Added JavaScript.CF function for using this JavaScript engine for custom functions, too.
- Fixed a problem with high unicode character encodings for Text.TextToHTML function.