Upload email to Sent folder via IMAP
As you know you can send emails via the CURL functions in MBS Xojo CURL Plugin. To have your mails show up in sent folder, you need to upload them to the IMAP server. The following snippet does it for Xojo. Key thing is to pass in URL to IMAP Server with name of Mailbox, e.g. "imap://imap.monkeybreadsoftware.de/INBOX.Sent". Than you set the upload option and provide the data to send. Of course you should use SSL, certificate verification and pass in your credentials. So here the Xojo code from the example project:
Sub UploadEmail()
// we use here TLS with this login:
Const Server = "sslin.df.eu"
Const Username = "test@macsw.de"
Const Password = "xxx"
// we build a test email to upload
Dim email As New CURLEmailMBS
email.Subject = "Test Email"
email.PlainText = "We uploaded this email via MBS Plugin."+EndOfLine+EndOfLine+"Greetings"+EndOfLine
email.AddTo "test@test.test", "John Miller"
email.SetFrom "test@test.test", "Marc Jones"
Dim curl As New CURLSMBS
curl.OptionURL = "imap://"+Server+"/INBOX.Sent"
curl.OptionUsername = Username
curl.OptionPassword = Password
curl.OptionUseSSL = curl.kUseSSLall
// payload for upload is the email source code
curl.InputData = email.EmailSource
curl.OptionUpload = True
Dim e As Integer = curl.Perform
If e<>0 Then
MessageBox "Failed with error code: "+Str(e) + ": "+curl.LasterrorMessage
MessageBox "Email uploaded!"
End If
// show log
Dim s As String = curl.DebugData
If s.Encoding = Nil Then
s = DefineEncoding(s, encodings.ISOLatin1)
End If
s = ReplaceLineEndings(s, EndOfLine)
LogField.Text = s
// when succesful it should end with "We are completely uploaded and fine" from CURL and then "Append completed" from server.
End Sub
Let me know whether this works fine for you.
for FileMaker see other blog post: Upload email to Sent folder via IMAP.